Impulse 2 – OpenAI Dev Days

When I wanted to start writing my second impulse, I noticed that the talk held by OpenAI concerning AI topics and the company itself I wanted to cover had been removed. As luck would have it, I also noticed that OpenAI had held multiple keynotes as part of their Dev Day on November 6th, which have since been uploaded to their YouTube channel.

I watched the opening keynote as well as part of their product deep dive. During the keynote, they discussed some updates concerning ChatGPT for enterprises, some general updates and performance improvements to the model and most importantly to me, introduced GPTs. GPTs is a new product that is a part of ChatGPT which allows users to train specialised versions of ChatGPT for personal, educational and commercial use.

The user can prompt the model with natural language, telling it what it should specify in, upload data the model should know about and reference and call APIs. The user can also tell the GPT to have certain “personality” traits, which the developers show off during the deep dive by creating a pirate-themed GPT. They jokingly claim that this specific demo/feature is not particularly useful but I believe it shows off the power behind the model and could come in handy for my potential use.

I could train a custom GPT for scriptwriting, training it using scripts of movies I like (and of which I can actually find the script of), and train a different one on storyboarding, supplying it with well-done storyboards and utilising the built-in DALL-E 3, or train another model that just specialises in ideas for short films. I think this feature alone has further solidified ChatGPTs dominant position as the go-to text based AI and will definitely use it for my Master’s project.


Dev Day Opening Keynote

Product Deep Dive

The Business of AI

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