Influence of social media short video marketing

Short video originated from a Vine application released by the USA in 2009. Users can use the software to create videos within 10 seconds and share them on social platforms. Since then, short video has entered people’s life.

Short video is a ‘new’ type of video that can be shared, forwarded and viewed on social media platforms within 3 minutes, mainly using just a smartphone for shooting and editing.

The reason why short video is widely concerned by scholars is mainly because of its great value to the marketing. The role of short video is to enhance brand awareness and foster customer brand loyalty by generating brand associations. Compared to traditional video, short video is more interactive, so if you can effectively take advantage of short video marketing, it will promote the brand.

Interesting content
the essence of short video marketing is content marketing. The interestingness of marketing content can arouse consumers’ willingness to spread and share more than other characteristics, and the interestingness of content promotes consumers to have a positive image of the brand, and thus to have a positive attitude towards the brand.
The key to a good effect of content marketing is that the information it conveys must be useful and interesting. If neither of them is satisfied, the expected marketing effect will be difficult to achieve

Scene-based experience
short video marketing often builds real-life consumption scenarios for consumers in advance, which helps consumers estimate brand value and consumer experience. It can provide more accurate information, and it’s easier to be accepted and understood by people.

User participation interaction
In the new media era, active questioners, responders and communicators will replace passive listeners, consumers and target users in the traditional media era. People are no linger satisfied with passive acceptance of information, but are more willing to participate in the production of information.

If users often communicate actively with brands, users will easily form a strong relationship, and they will be more likely to believe in the information sent by each other

5 variables:

Interesting Content
it refers to the novelty, entertainment, fun and uniqueness of the content, which can stimulate consumers to generate strong interest and curiosity
Scenario-Based Experience
Using short videos to create different consumer and life scenarios for consumers, organically integrate the environment of consumers, products, services and brands to help consumers estimate brand value and consumer experience in specific consumption scenarios.  
User Participation Interaction
The degree to which users participate in the production of short video content, establish interpersonal relationships among different users, communicate and exchange brand related information, and obtain emotional support and trust. This includes the interactive behavior of searching for information, obtaining information and publishing information.
Brand Perception
It refers to the habitual tendency of consumers to react to a brand in a way of liking or not, which is acquired through learning and strengthening. It consists of three dimensions: cognition, emotion and behavior.
Consumer Brand Attitude
The overall impression of the brand in the minds of consumers, the consumer’s perception and perception of a brand on the short video platform of social media is the consumer’s overall perception of all aspects of the information elements of the brand.

Source: Copyright © 2019, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (

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