Recap of last semester

So, a little recap of last semester:

Do I want to dive deeper into this topic (persuasive techniques in commercial media) or do I want to go in a slightly different direction or do I want to go in a completely different direction? I went to have a look into the projects of previous students. I found serval projects that interested me but after reading those projects I was still not convinced of what I want to achieve for my master thesis.

One was about how important social media is nowadays (wiped – Stefan Bergman) one about film production without a crew from Niklas Maximilian Dostal. And another film project about creation awareness and fundraising (Christina Grill)

Last semester I finished my presentation with some examples why some video campains work on one platform but fails at the other. And I’m especially interested how short video is being just on all those different platforms and why it works so well. Why do we like it so much. And I think i wanna dive deeper in to that direction.

With a main question for this semester: Why is short video so popular? And why is it such a powerful marketing tool?

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