Right media for the right target group

“Who are you targeting?” which might explain why a marketing campaign failed. Even with the best imagery, clever copy, and a strong call to action, the best campaigns can fail if not speaking to the right people.

If a media campaign, does it really well for one target group that doesn’t mean this will work for the other groups as well. Research (2016) showed that UK marketers struggle to reach their desired audience online, with 47% of campaigns seen by their target audience.

Travel brands are the most successful at reaching their desired audience with 60%. Entertainment is second (64%) while FMCG (Fast-moving consumer goods) struggle with 40%.

One company result this down to the fact that marketers do not think digital works and use it in the wrong way. They think they can apply traditional marketing to digital. But they should look at every media as digital media as its own.

Targeting accurately also varied depending on demographic. Campaigns targeting to 25 old scored way less than people from around 50 because they are used to the traditional ways.

In the travel sector has focused on targeting segments and audience from the start. It’s targeting reach is helped by the fact it invests time getting to know its customers.

But how do you get to know them?
– Ask them

– Use social listening metrics such as Sinus milieus

– Find ties using insight metrics form your social sites

Gee, R. (2016, December 15). Half of online campaigns fail to reach target audience. Marketing Week. https://www.marketingweek.com/online-campaign-targeting/

Hynd, M. (2019, February 27). How Marketing Campaigns Fail When You Target “Your Customers”​. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-marketing-campaigns-fail-when-you-target-your-customers-hynd/

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