What do I actually want to do?

The main premise of this project is to add another layer to my existing and future artworks. By looking at the examples you can see that I take regular objects, clothes, etc. and make them look 2D in our three-dimensional world, which is causing a real eye-catching look. It is truly bizarre to hold and look at these objects while you have them in your hand, mostly because at a certain angle you can really see some unreal familiarity, like looking at objects in a comic book or video game (or a merge of both for that matter).

Now how do I implement AR into this whole situation?

Physical artwork is pretty cool, you can buy it, hang it on your wall, or have it displayed somewhere. It enhances a room, hallway or space in general. The idea would be to make these items in a sort of resin display case, making them look like loot crates in video games with a value system (common, rare, epic, legendary). Because the items are permanently sealed in the resin case “in real life”, the AR part would make the opposite. When you see the artwork through your phone camera, the item would break out of its case slowly rotating on the spot, and a pop-up “display” would appear next to it with the item’s name, category, backstory and statistics.

The name of the project and art pieces would be “Laurus Goods”. “Laurus” being my artist name and “Goods” being well, goods.

Future implementations

For future implementations, I have considered NFTs. The only problem with NFTs for me is that there is that physical part missing. It’s all fun and games having a png or gif of an artwork, but we all know that we would love it even more if we would have a physical copy of the digital asset. Therefore I would use NFTs in the sense of ownership transfer. When you acquire the NFT you are the owner of the object and the digital asset, if you wish to sell your artwork, you can, hence transferring your ownership to the buyer with the physical object linked to it. Because it is my artwork I would take a small commission every time ownership is transferred.

Continuing on NFTs, another project would be to open an AR NFT art gallery, a permanent exhibition with the physical items displayed in them. Underneath every item would be the small display with the current NFT and artwork holder name (or alias) and artwork price. When ownership transfers, the holder info automatically changes. The AR part would be the same as described before.

Let us see what the future holds…

Art Piece examples

Video example

Regular object transformed into 2D
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