Prototyping: User Research & Personas with AI

I began the prototyping process by conducting user research and building personas with the help of AI. I gave ChatPDF several articles on the topic of the experience of women in the workforce, and asked questions in a pseudo-interview style. Additionally, I described the concept of my app, ProspHER, to an AI that generates user personas, and edited the result to include information gathered from my “interviews” with ChatPDF.

Using these AI tools made the user research and persona building process fast and smooth. With ChatPDF, I could “read” many more articles, processing a lot more data in a shorter period of time than I would normally be able to. The user persona AI instantly generated a very usable persona template. These tools sped up my work process enormously. There is some discomfort in putting complete trust in ChatPDF’s interpretation of the articles, however after questioning the AI, I found its answers consistent and unbiased. It often repeated the same information no matter how I phrased a question in an attempt to “lead” the answers, convincing me that the AI doesn’t expand beyond the source material.

Below is a user persona that I developed with these AI tools. The persona is created for my app, ProspHER, a tool for underprivileged women looking to find jobs that suit their availability and experiences. I have also included screenshots and transcripts of the “interviews” with ChatPDF and various articles.

The original persona generated by the User Persona AI tool

Persona with adjustments from ChatPDF “interviews”

Transcript from ChatPDF_Gendered Laws and Women in the Workforce by Marie Hyland, Simeon Djankov, and Pinelopi Koujianou Goldberg

PDF: Dear Reader,

Welcome to this insightful PDF file on gendered laws and women in the workforce. In this article, Marie Hyland, Simeon Djankov, and Pinelopi Koujianou Goldberg present a comprehensive analysis of gender discrimination and its impact on women’s economic opportunities. By utilizing the Women, Business and the Law database, the authors shed light on the persistent gender inequalities that exist, particularly in terms of pay and treatment of parenthood. They also highlight the positive correlation between more equal laws and favorable labor market outcomes for women.

Example questions you may have about this PDF file:

  1. How does the World Bank’s Women, Business and the Law database contribute to understanding gender discrimination in the workforce?
  2. What are some of the key findings regarding gender inequalities in pay and treatment of parenthood?
  3. Can you provide more details on the correlations between equal laws and labor market outcomes for women?

We hope you find this PDF file informative and thought-provoking. Enjoy your reading!

Best regards,
[Your Name]

Me: How does the World Bank’s Women, Business and the Law database contribute to understanding gender discrimination in the workforce?

PDF: The Women, Business and the Law (WBL) database measures equality of economic opportunity under the law between men and women in 190 economies, for 50 years, from 1970 until today. It focuses on legislation that may impact a woman’s access to employment and entrepreneurial activity, attempting to capture inequality in legislation throughout the duration of a woman’s working life, from the time she can enter the labor force through to retirement. The information on the legal environment in each economy is collected through the collaboration of legal experts based in the World Bank with local experts, including lawyers, judges, civil society representatives, and public officials. The database aims to fill the knowledge gap on the relative severity and evolution of legal gender discrimination around the world. [T1, T3]

Me: What are some of the key findings regarding gender inequalities in pay and treatment of parenthood?

PDF: According to the Women, Business and the Law database, the largest gender inequalities are observed in the areas of Pay and Parenthood. Women are most disadvantaged by the law when it comes to the compensation they receive and to their treatment once they have had children. The authors of the PDF file document large and persistent gender inequalities, especially with regard to pay and treatment of parenthood.

Me: Can you provide more details on the correlations between equal laws and labor market outcomes for women?

PDF: The PDF file highlights that there are positive correlations between more equal laws pertaining to women in the workforce and more equal labor market outcomes for women. Specifically, countries with more equal laws tend to have higher female labor force participation rates and smaller wage gaps between men and women. The authors also mention that results from OLS regressions show that a higher score in the Women, Business and the Law (WBL) index, which measures legal gender equality, is correlated with better labor market outcomes for women, such as higher participation in the nonagricultural labor market and a smaller gender wage gap. However, it is important to note that these correlations do not establish causality.

Me: what are some of the challenges women face when trying to enter the workforce

PDF: The PDF file does not explicitly mention the challenges women face when trying to enter the workforce. However, it does discuss the existence of gender inequalities in the legal environment that may impact a woman’s access to employment and entrepreneurial activity. These inequalities can create barriers and obstacles for women when they are trying to enter the workforce. Additionally, the file mentions that women are particularly disadvantaged in the areas of pay and treatment of parenthood, which could also pose challenges for women seeking to enter or remain in the workforce. [T1, T3]

Me: What are some of the gender inequalities in the legal environment that may impact a woman’s access to employment and entrepreneurial activity?

PDF: According to the PDF file, some of the gender inequalities in the legal environment that may impact a woman’s access to employment and entrepreneurial activity include:

  1. Pay Inequality: Women often face discrimination in terms of the compensation they receive for their work. The file states that women are most disadvantaged by the law when it comes to the compensation they receive.
  2. Treatment of Parenthood: The legal environment can also impact how women are treated once they have had children. The file mentions that women are most disadvantaged by the law in terms of their treatment after becoming parents.
  3. Access to Credit: Laws governing women’s ability to access credit can also be a factor. The Entrepreneurship indicator in the file mentions legislation mandating nondiscrimination in accessing credit as an important aspect of women’s ability to start and run a business.
  4. Contract Signing and Business Registration: Restrictions on a woman’s ability to sign a contract, register a business, or open a bank account can also hinder their entrepreneurial activity. The file provides examples of situations where a married woman may be required to obtain her husband’s permission to engage in these activities.

It is important to note that these are just a few examples mentioned in the PDF file, and there may be other gender inequalities in the legal environment that impact women’s access to employment and entrepreneurial activity. [T1, T2]

Me: is the data in this PDF drawn from a diverse set of women, in different countries and economic circumstances?

PDF: Yes, the data in the PDF file is drawn from a diverse set of women in different countries and economic circumstances. The file mentions that the Women, Business and the Law (WBL) database, which is the primary source of data for the study, covers 190 economies and over 50 years of data. The WBL database collects information on laws and regulations that affect women’s economic opportunities in seven areas: accessing institutions, using property, getting a job, providing incentives to work, building credit, going to court, and protecting women from violence. The file also notes that the study includes economies at all income levels and from all regions of the world. Therefore, the data used in the study is drawn from a diverse set of women in different countries and economic circumstances.

Me: does the PDF discuss difficulties faced by women with less education when trying to enter the labour market?

PDF: No, the PDF file does not specifically discuss the difficulties faced by women with less education when trying to enter the labor market. The focus of the file is on gender inequalities in the legal environment that may impact a woman’s access to employment and entrepreneurial activity. While it acknowledges that there are factors beyond legislation that affect women’s behavior and outcomes indirectly, it does not specifically address the challenges faced by women with less education in entering the labor market.

Me: does the article discuss the impact of higher education on a woman’s experience in the job market?

PDF: No, the PDF file does not specifically discuss the impact of higher education on a woman’s experience in the job market. While it acknowledges that there are factors beyond legislation that affect women’s behavior and outcomes indirectly, it does not specifically address the impact of higher education on women’s job market experiences. The focus of the file is primarily on gender inequalities in the legal environment and the relationship between legal reforms and women’s economic opportunities.

Starting the Prototype & Duolingo ABC

I started the prototyping process by going through all of my old blog posts and gathered the most important takeaways in a separate document. The pictures of already existing apps and my thoughts on them were especially helpful. I noticed how I only focused on app functionality and how I had not looked into interfaces for children, so that’s what I did next.

One app that caught my attention was Duolingo ABC, which was designed for children ages 3 to 7 years old. Duolingo ABC aims to teach children the basics of reading and writing in a fun and interactive way. It covers fundamental literacy skills like letter recognition, phonics, spelling, and basic reading comprehension. The app incorporates gamification elements, colorful visuals, and engaging activities to make learning enjoyable for young children.


Sticker – Riso Part 4.

Das vorerst letzte Projekt sind zweifarbige Sticker mit dem Risograph. Ich kann es sehr empfehlen. Die lebendigen Farben und der einzigartige Risoeffekt verliehen meinen Stickern eine faszinierende Wirkung. Ich habe dafür Schwarz mit Pink oder Blau kombiniert.

Allerdings stieß ich auf eine kleine Herausforderung: die Farbhaftbarkeit. Die Farbe auf den Stickern hielt nicht optimal und neigte dazu, leicht abzufärben, wenn sie berührt wurde. Um dieses Problem zu beheben, experimentierte ich mit längeren Trocknungszeiten und speziellen Versiegelungsprodukten wie Fixativ. Diese Maßnahmen erwiesen sich als hilfreich, um die Farbhaftbarkeit zu verbessern und die Haltbarkeit der Sticker zu verlängern. Trotzdem ist der Sticker leider nicht wasserfest oder sehr beanspruchbar.

Inclusion leads to participation

The inclusion of youth in the democratic system not only encourages their active participation but also enhances the overall democratic governance. It strengthens the legitimacy and effectiveness of decision-making processes, promotes social cohesion, and cultivates a new generation of informed and engaged citizens who are committed to shaping a better future. To undermine this assumption I’d like to refer to some communal examples.

  1. Der Kindergemeinderat Steiermark
    The Children’s Municipal Council in Styria enables children to actively participate in local decision-making. They express their opinions, concerns, and ideas, shaping their community. Council members, aged around 10 to 14, are democratically elected and discuss topics relevant to children. Their tasks include initiatives like designing playgrounds and organizing events. The initiative promotes political education, empowering children as future citizens. The establishment of these councils varies across municipalities in Styria, all aiming to enhance children’s participation in decision-making processes.
  2. Bürgerforum Vorarlberg
    The Citizen Forum in Vorarlberg is an initiative that enables citizens to actively participate in political decision-making and express their concerns. Selected citizens engage in multi-day events to discuss specific topics, meet experts, and develop proposals. These proposals are submitted to the government, influencing policy decisions. The forum aims to enhance citizen engagement, democratic legitimacy, and transparency in political processes. The government takes the forum’s results seriously, fostering dialogue and trust between citizens and the government. The Citizen Forum exemplifies participatory democracy, empowering citizens to have a say and promoting inclusivity in decision-making.
  3. Die partizipative Kinder- und Jugendmillion der Stadt Wien
    The participatory Children and Youth Million of the City of Vienna is a project aimed at empowering children and young people in Vienna to play an active role in shaping their city. The project provides one million euros that can be used by young people between the ages of 6 and 18 for projects and ideas that aim to improve life in their city.
    What makes the Children and Youth Million special is that the decision on how to allocate the funds is made by the young participants themselves. Children and young people can submit their project proposals and then vote on the distribution of the funds. This process involves them in the democratic decision-making process and enables them to realize their own visions of a livable city. The projects implemented within the framework of the Children and Youth Million are diverse and range from the design of playgrounds and parks to cultural and recreational offerings, as well as environmental and sustainability initiatives. The project fosters the creativity, engagement, and sense of responsibility of young people, allowing them to actively contribute to their environment.

If we now compare the reach of regional or municipal initiatives with the reach of digital platforms such as, we can see a clear difference. The user figures. Its very difficult to find exact numbers but its an obvious conclusion if we compare the amount of people that are using or have used and the report of SORA from the last blog entry.

The use of among young voters is considerable. In past elections, has been used by a significant number of young voters. For example, in the 2019 National Council elections in Austria, over 300,000 people used the platform to match their political preferences with the parties’ positions. A high number of these users were young people aged 16 to 29.

Although children’s and youth parliaments or initiatives in Vienna, Graz and Linz can also look back on a considerable reach, the digital affinity of the target group plays a major role. In any case, the demand for digital information on political information, whether via social media or specific websites such as, grows with every election.

Screenshot of the latest update to the communal election of vienna in 2020 on

The Status quo: “Junge Menschen und Demokratie in Österreich 2022” by SORA-Institute

In 2022, the renowned SORA Institute produced an interesting report on the topic of “Young People and Democracy in Austria. It confirms the assumption I described at the outset.

The report “Young People and Democracy in Austria 2022” by the SORA Institute looks at young people’s views on the political system and their participation in democratic processes. The study was conducted between September 7 and October 21 and included 323 participants aged 16 to 26. The results show that despite an easing of the pandemic situation, the mental health of many young people remains impaired. High inflation has also led to a deterioration in their financial situation, especially among those who already had fewer resources before the pandemic. This has led to a decline in trust in the political system.

Less than half of young people are currently convinced that the political system is functioning well. A large proportion even believe that democracy in Austria is rather weak. Trust in institutions such as parliament and the federal government has also declined. The effects of the crises have a negative impact on system trust. Young people affected by the impact of the crises have less trust. Moreover, few of them feel represented in parliament, which is related to lower trust in parliament. Economic uncertainty has a long-term impact on trust in the political system. Young people in financially precarious situations are more likely to feel that the political system does not function well. More than half of them consider democracy in Austria to be rather weak. In terms of media use, social media platforms, especially Instagram, have become the most important source of information on political issues. Newspapers are also used by about half of young people, and radio has regained importance compared to previous years. The top concerns of young people are inflation, climate change and economic inequality. About half discuss politics with family, friends or colleagues at least once a week. Young people’s political participation has remained constant. They mainly participate in elections and get involved in their immediate environment. About one-fifth are active in volunteer work, especially in the social sector and in blue-light organizations. However, just under one-fifth have had no contact with parliament or political events. Young people are critical of political education in schools. They complain that they are taught too little about the political system and how to conduct political debates, which is particularly important in times of crisis.

Young people are critical of political education in schools. They complain that they are taught too little about the political system and how to conduct political debates, which is particularly important in times of crisis.

SORA Institute – “Junge Menschen und Demokratie in Österreich 2022”

Tools to raise the interest of participation

At the moment, there are various programs that try to make politics and democracy understandable. This works on the national level as well as on the municipal level. Here are four digital and analogue examples:

    Since 2009 potential voters are able to use this website to gain more knowledge about potential matches with election programs of all common parties. The aim of is to provide voters with an opportunity to compare their political positions with the positions of the various parties. The platform asks a series of questions on various political topics, and users can state their own positions on these questions. The answers of the different political parties to the same questions are then published on the platform. Voters can then compare their own answers with the parties’ positions and get an overview of which party they have the greatest agreement with in terms of content. also enables users to obtain more information about the individual parties and their election programs.
  2. Several Boardgames
    “Democracy: Majority Rules” is a cooperative board game in which players take on the role of members of parliament and must make decisions together to find the best solution for a fictional community. In the process, they learn about different aspects of democracy, such as the importance of debate, compromise, voting, and representation of the population. Another example is the game “The Political Game – Governing and Making Laws.” It allows players to take on the role of political decision-makers and develop an understanding of the political process by making decisions and drafting laws. The game is designed to show how democracy works and how political decisions are made.
  3. “Der Kanzlersimulator”
    The Chancellor Simulator from SWR is an interactive online tool developed by the Südwestrundfunk (SWR), a public broadcasting company in Germany. The goal of the simulator is to give users the opportunity to slip into the role of a German chancellor and make political decisions. The Chancellor Simulator is based on real-life political scenarios and challenges that a government might face. Users can select different policy areas such as the economy, education, the environment or foreign policy and make decisions by, for example, passing laws or taking political action. What is special about the Chancellor’s Simulator is that it simulates the consequences of the decisions made. The effects of policy are presented to the players in the form of feedback and evaluations. This gives them an impression of how their decisions might affect different areas of society.
  4. “Wer regiert Österreich? Du wenn du es willst”
    The Migration Council’s report, published in December 2016, emphasizes the importance of public support for a successful nationwide migration policy. In response, the migration communication initiative, GEMEINSAM. VIEL BEWEGEN, was launched. It offers interactive programs for different school levels to explore the connections between migration, society, and politics. For upper secondary students, there’s the political simulation game GEMEINSAM. AUSTRIA GOVERNING. It allows players to experience democracy, responsibility, and the impact of migration on society. Interested teachers can book the simulation, GEMEINSAM.ÖSTERREICH REGIEREN, free of charge via ICMPD.

Let’s focus on democracy

In the last semester, I dealt with the basic question of what possibilities there are, or what possibilities have been used so far, to bring children and young people closer to politics or democracy. In the following, the findings of the last semester will be dealt with a little deeper and more precisely.

In general, the approach this time is not to focus too much on politics or on the politics of the past, but to look at what means can be used to make democracy more interesting in general. What are the parameters that motivate children and young people to have a say and to feel heard. I will have a look at the tools that are already available for this purpose, and use them to determine or discuss where there is a need for action or where I can intervene as an interaction designer.

In Austria, as you know, there are various ways for young people to get involved politically and to express their opinions. For example, there are youth parliaments at the national, regional and local levels where young people can voice their concerns and ideas. These youth parliaments serve as platforms for exchange and discussion on political issues, and their recommendations can influence political decisions. Another important element of youth political participation in Austria is youth organizations of political parties. These organizations offer young people the opportunity to become actively involved in politics, for example by organizing events, running campaigns and engaging in political discussions.

In short, young people can vote, participate in youth parliaments and get involved in youth organizations of political parties. These forms of participation enable them to express their opinions and influence political decisions. So much for the initial situation regarding youth participation. But how can interest in this co-determination be increased?

I would like to move further in this direction.

App Matrix

In this blogpost I want to look at different Apps that can help people that are stuggling with adhd, especially with structuring and organization of tasks and time management and productivity timers.

NameDownloads RatingPriceFeaturesAvalability
Forest>10 Mio.4,7Free, limited features 5€/MonthZeiterfassung, GameficationMobile devices, Tablets
Focus To-Do Promodoro Timer>5 Mio.4,6Free, limited features
5€/3 Months
Taskerfassung, taskmanagement
All Devices
Any.Do>10 Mio.4,1Free, limited features
Taskerfassung, Taskmanagement
Shared Workspace
All Devices
Todoist>10 Mio.4,5Free, limited features
Taskerfassung, TaskmanagementAll Devices
Fabulous>10 Mio.4,3free for 1 week
GewohnheitstrackerMobile Device
Focus@Will100.000 +3,3pay 10$ a MonthFokusmusikMobile

Forest: Konzentriert Bleiben

Forist a gamified app that uses a virtual tree to encourage focus and discourage phone use during work or study sessions. If you exit Forest your tree dies, by staying in the app it will grow bigger.


  • it keeps your focus on tasks
  • fun and gamefied way
  • very cute engaging graffics
  • not to many options (straightforward)
  • well organised side menu
  • tracking progress, achefment


  • in app purchase pop ups
  • can´t organize tasks
  • paywall for many important features ex.:custom work tags

“Ich mag die Möglichkeit des Abbruchs, was dann durch einen toten Baum gekennzeichnet wird. Es sperrt also nicht komplett das Handy, was etwas selbstdisziplin erfordert. Meiner Meinung nach eine tolle app!”

It is a very fun way to keep people from distracting themselfs. As people with ADHD have low impuls controle, not beeing able to excit a work app surtainly is a promessing feature. But in my opinion this App lacks the possibility to organize tasks that need to be done.

Focus To-Do: Promodoro Timer

Focus To-Do is a time management app that utilizes the Pomodoro Technique, breaking work into intervals with breaks to improve productivity and maintain focus.


  • easy acess timer
  • add aproxemate time for task
  • background noices
  • Subdivide the task into subitems
  • Indififualizable promodore settings
  • Report Page
  • in addition to tasks you can add Appointments


  • overwhelming Interface
  • Ranking list could be toxic
  • easy to loos overview
  • no possibilitys of taking notes
  • no overall Kalender for better organisation
  • no Priority grouping
  • Completed tasks arent grouped
  • No Priority

einen richtigen Kalender, so kann man Termine und Lernzeiten besser verknüpfen und hat alles auf einem Blick. So wie es aktuell gelöst ist finde ich es zu umständlich. Ich würde mir bei allem was man anlegt Raum für Notizen wünschen. Vorallem dann, wenn einem weitere Gedanken zu der Aufgabe einfallen.

This seems to be a good app for neurotypical people. I found it quite confusing at first. There is no wizard to guide you through the process/ to make it easier. Even tho you are able to give the tasks prioritys, this does not have any affect on the way the tasks are presented. Everything Seems important – Aufgaben + Kalender

Offers task management features, reminders, and the ability to create collaborative to-do lists.


  • nice wizard guiding
  • My Day: daily plannig made more intuative
  • posibility to conect work tasks
  • simpeler Interface
  • Notes and attachments are possibile
  • Adding Shopping lists


  • constant selling Pop ups
  • priorisation very badly / smal not visibill at all
  • Naviagtion is weird
  • no timer to actually work on tasks
  • difficult to add deatails to taks

This app has a clean and simple design witch makes it easyer to use. The naviagtion Process is not very intuituve and there is no way to mark and organize Prioritys of tasks in an efficent way. Also the Timetracking tool is missing here. And there are to many anoying Addvertisments.

“Mir hilft, dass sie mich durch Erinnerungen und Meldungen quasi zwingt, mich damit zu befassen”
“die Funktion “plane deinen Tag” die selbstständig auffordert; Bei anderen Planern muss ich vorher aktiv werden.”

This app has a clean and simple design witch makes it easyer to use. The naviagtion Process is not very intuituve and there is no way to mark and organize Prioritys of tasks in an efficent way. Also the Timetracking tool is missing here. And there are to many anoying Addvertisments.

Todoist: To-do-Liste & Planer

A task management app that allows users to create to-do lists, set due dates, and receive reminders to help stay organized and on top of their tasks.


  • Adding tasks in detail by writing
  • adding Tags for more organisation
  • Intuitiv adding of Task
  • Setting Reminders
  • Eingang: alle tasks im überblick
  • Wiederholungen Möglich
  • most important feature always at hand +adding tasks
  • Tagesziele


  • nicht alles selbsterklärend / kein wizard
  • navigation just okay
  • no timer posibility
  • Push benachrichtigungen nur permium
  • no way of add estimate time
  • log in is a must
  • adding the time to a project is inconvinient
  • can´t add aproximade the duration of a task
  • you have to log in

“Man kann in verschiedene Prioritäten, Gruppen und Projekte unterteilen und Unteraufgaben erstellen. Man kann sich wiederholende Daten eingeben wie jeden Mittwoch. Es ist einstellbar, ob man Erinnerungen möchte. Allerdings sehe ich viele Optimierungsmöglichkeiten wie geschätzte Zeitdauer und Intensivität, Deadlines u.w.”

14 Februar

“Zu kompliziert gestaltet, die ganze app fühlt sich eher wie ein spiel an in dem man versucht täglich flammen zu behalten! Beim versuch das konto zu löschen benötigt man passwort welches man nie eingerichtet hat?”

April 2023

It seems to be a well working app. Adding tasks is the best I have seen so far, very detailed. Also individual pages. Adding Rotating tasks is also good, but still no way of actually takeling the tasks. the handling of prioritys is better in this application. Still the Onboarding process is not that good, having to find everything by myself.

Fabulous – Gewohnheit Planer

Gesunde tägliche Routinen erstellen. Erfolgbringende Gewohnheiten & Zielen
Positiv: very charming engagement, nice language, look and cozy, friendly feel, very nice design
Con: only manage habbits


Durch Musik soll die Conzentration gesteitgert werden.
Positiv: hightend concentration, tracking progress
Con: sessions don´t have breaks, no task name

Addie – ADHD/ADHS Planer

An app that helps people with ADHD manage tasks, reduce overwhelm and get stuff done.
Pro: Detailed Prioritisation, takled Timeblindes, Reward system, cute design
Con: Payment needed

After looking at all these different Apps I found that non of them realy does a good job at combining an efficent Taskmanager with a Produktivity Time. The App also has to take into account how its Design can affect neuro-divergent people. For excample random Pop-Ups can distract them from the task at hand, or in another cases they need those pop-ups to remind them/ getting them back on the task at hand.

  • Managing your taks alone not enough- need timer to fullfill
  • reminding you of important tasks
  • Prioritasiation is very important
  • Task need to be broken down
  • other app exclusen in timer (way to keep people not dostracten) is needed
  • it would be nice to have kind reminders to help you start difficult tasks( like: hey, you can do the job: jsut start your 5 min timer, ende: greate job do you want to keep on working?-yes-no I don´t feel ready)

future investigation:

  • How can features of an app be designed to help ADHD peoble with prioritisation/ not get distracted by thair tasks.
  • Witch features are espacially bad if used wrong for adhd people ex: Pop ups, animations

Current State

In my last blogpost for this semester, I will summarize my findings and ideas, introduce the second version of my prototype and give a short outlook on my plans for the next semester.

I started working on tangible user interfaces in the beginning and shifted my focus from image recognition and marker detection as a potential user interface to the question how data visualization can be made more physical.

So, the topic I will focus on are icebergs.

How did their mass change over time?
How are we as humans responsible?
How can we provoke change and call to action?

Moreover, I have found various Experts who currently research on icebergs. To get insights into their latest research findings I am planning to conduct expert interviews with them soon.

Miro Board

To merge my current research findings with those from last semester I made a Miro Board where I summarize my findings from both semesters. It can be accessed with the following link:


I also made a short video where I introduce my project:

Der Prototyp

Meine Forschung beschäftigt sich mit der Frage: “Wie gelingt es mir, eine wohlstrukturierte, barrierefreie und intuitive Website zu gestalten und umzusetzen?”

Dafür habe ich Methoden aus dem IDEO Designkit verwendet. Es wurden Interviews und Workshops durchgeführt, die mir einige Erkenntnisse gebracht haben. Zum Beispiel ist die aktuelle Website des digital university hubs nicht ausreichend barrierefrei und nicht vollständig durchstrukturiert.

Für den Prototyp habe ich mir die Arbeitsgruppen genauer angesehen. Derzeit können Nutzer*innen sich am digital university hub in verschiedenen Netzwerken engagieren, aus denen vier Arbeitsgruppen hervorgegangen sind. Diese werden zu Beginn der Landingpage beschrieben und dann nur noch in Stichpunkten aufgeführt.

Da ich das Seitenlayout grundsätzlich auf der gesamten Website anpassen werde, habe ich dies auch schon in meinem Prototyp berücksichtigt und den grünen Block für Zusatzinformationen auf der linken Seite entfernt.

Dadurch entsteht mehr Platz auf der gesamten Website.

Zunächst habe ich überlegt, die vier Arbeitsgruppen in zwei Spalten darzustellen, da dafür Platz geschaffen wurde. Im Prozess der Prototypentwicklung kam mir jedoch der Gedanke, dass dies auf kleineren Bildschirmen möglicherweise nicht ausreichend wäre. Man müsste mit Typografie Größendarstellungen ausgleichen und wäre die Barrierefreiheit nicht mehr gewährleistet.

Zusätzlich gibt es ohnehin nicht viel Inhalt pro Arbeitsgruppe, weshalb es keinen Sinn macht, ein “Weiterlesen” auf einer separaten Seite anzubieten. Stattdessen habe ich ein Design mit einer Akkordeon-Funktion entwickelt.

Diese stellt eine vertikale Gruppierung der vier Arbeitsgruppen dar, bei der zunächst nur die Überschrift und ein Einleitungstext angezeigt werden. Wenn man auf das Pluszeichen klickt, öffnet sich das Akkordeon und es werden weitere Informationen angezeigt. Durch Klicken auf das Minuszeichen wird das Akkordeon wieder geschlossen.

Dadurch wird sichergestellt, dass die gesamte Bildschirmbreite auch auf kleinen Displays genutzt wird und jede Arbeitsgruppe den benötigten Platz einnimmt. Dadurch sind keine typografischen Anpassungen erforderlich, und strukturiertes, übersichtliches und barrierefreies Lesen wird ermöglicht.

Das ist mein Prototyp, der im weiteren Feld digitalisiert werden kann, um für User-Testings zur Verfügung zu stehen.