A short Reflection on Mind Maps

Before I continue with more concrete blog posts about my research topic, I want to emphasize how important this first research stage was for me. I now have a mind map connecting all my interests, forming the basis for future research and specification. This process took way longer than originally planned and while my last blog posts gave only a short summery of the current state of the mind map, most of the time has been invested into exploring new sources. I will constantly add new sources and structure the mind map, but the current state already gives me good insight and a basis for future work.

As someone who is constantly seeking new knowledge and understanding, I have now learned the value of allowing myself to go down rabbit holes and explore my curiosity. While it’s easy to get caught in algorithmic rabbit holes, I try to stay focused on what feels meaningful and resonant to me. This exercise of organizing and categorizing information has not only helped me to strengthen my critical thinking skills but also to analyze and make connections between different topics.

I often tend to have the desire of reinventing the wheel but as Steve Jobs famously said, “creativity is just connecting things.” – and that’s what I tried with this mind map.

Because WordPress strips my iframe tag I will link my Miro Board here: