Blog Post – Master Topics Feedback #2

In this blog post I will summarize my conversation with Mr. Martin Kaltenbrunner who is the head of the Tangible Music Lab (University of Arts, Linz) and gave me feedback on my previously discussed ideas for my master thesis. Mr. Martin Kaltenbrunner provided me good insights into conferences and researcher working in the field of embodiment and tangible interaction design.


The International Conference on Tangible Embedded and Embodied Interaction (TEI) delves into the realm of human-computer interaction, pioneering tools and technologies, interactive art, and user experience. At TEI, the spotlight is on merging atoms and bits to create seamless interactive systems.


Furthermore, he mentioned Prof. Dr. Eva Hornecker who is currently teaching at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar in the field of Human-Computer Interaction. According to Mr. Martin Kaltenbrunner, one part of her research is about the Tangible User Interfaces and Education.


Lastly, he mentioned the following book to me as I was released in 2022 and summarizes the entire research field of embodiment and tangible user interfaces very good.

Weaving Fire into Form: Aspirations for Tangible and Embodied Interaction can be found under the following link:

Blog Post – Master Topics Feedback #1

In this blog post I will summarize my conversation with Mr. Orhan Kipcak who gave me feedback on my previously discussed ideas for my master thesis.

1. Framing Skepticism Towards Digital Media in a Positive Light

Highlighting the advantages of an analog focus without criticizing digital components.

– Reduction of complexity
– Multisensory experience

Concealing technical components is a notable unique selling point when expressed positively.

2. Defining Users

In the first step, define potential users and their motivations.

“Information measures for politics and large companies”

Potential target groups:

– Museums / Festivals

– Research projects (dissemination and communication to the public)

– Communication for political decisions

3. Establishment

Research funding opportunities and possibilities for establishing a company or a design studio.

4. Biography Tips

My technical studies provide a unique selling point that I can highlight even more. Express how much I enjoyed or gained from the experience.

5. Tips for the Master’s Thesis

Explore usage scenarios for Tangible User Interfaces and Data Visualization.
Make an inventory to identify what is needed – “Starting from the beginning and not the end.”