As the final project of our final semester before the master thesis we, as the whole degree, where supposed to organise an exhibition. Not only every degree was able to present some of their individual single- or group-projects, also a big portfolio machine had to be built in order to show the portfolios of every individual of the degree of Communication, Media, Sound and Interaction Design.
The portfolio machine was the probably biggest exhibit of this exhibition and was completely developed by the interaction design degree. We where able to choose in which team we’d like to be in order to follow an well organised process. There was the building team, the screen design team, the coding team, the media team and the content section. I chose to be in the building team since I’m already experienced in carpentry and building furniture or other constructions.
During the whole process of the portfolio machine it got even more clear on which different experience levels we’re working. Also the different focuses we are setting towards our creative process or creative work got point out drastically. It very interesting for me to see how different backgrounds like art, industrial design, coding or even psychology inflluences the approach to design. Sometimes a bit shocking but mostly eye-opening. Since I’m studiing and working in the design branch for 10 yrs now, I got kinda blind in terms of approaching a creative project or task. But obviously there are a lot of different approaches when it comes to design. Of course not all of them are leading to creative success or are following the rules of design theory, but thats a road every creative has to go himself.
I’m happy with result of the portfolio machine – it was defenitly a long and sometimes bumpy road to the finish line but in the end we managed pretty good and learned a lot.