Understanding the literature and painting, advertisement pictures

Leo Spitzer

The philological method is usually applied to works of art. But art had become a part of our daily lives. Never before has this kind of art played the role as it does today.

Subjection of man to the impersonal necessities of social, economy and political life. An emphasis on the beautiful has penetrated in all levels; it has also penetrated to the forms of propaganda used to advertise these goods.

And the success of such attempts at aesthetic appeal achieved by modern advertising is confirmed by many exhibits of original commercial designs which have attracted a large public.

There exists today whole literature devoted to the requirements of effective advertisements

(H.F. Adams – Advertising and its Laws/ H.E. Burtt – Psychology of Advertising)

In such treatments the emphasis is generally placed on the psychological element and on the utilitarian efficacy of the propaganda

Attempt to appeal aesthetic
The success of modern advertisement in its attempts to appeal aesthetic.

In this Commercial for Sunkist oranges is the scene so perfect with a nice mountain view snow that shimmers in de sun and the color of the juice is perfect. > but in the whole commercial there is nothing said about the juice itself how healthy it is and how nice the taste is. There is no human only the nature and how you can experience the miracle you would experience when you drink the orange juice.

The fact that these oranges have to be transported kilometers to end at our house is not a matter.

Advertisements need to be aesthetically pleasing and need to provoke a feeling you get the product out of the ideal world. The origin of the product doesn’t matter. The aim of the advertisement is to sell and make money and not inform people.
