An analysis of a master’s thesis submitted to an Austrian university of applied sciences on the topic of unequal access to healthcare in rural areas.

The master’s thesis under review is called “Digital Inclusion: Examining the Impacts of Digital Health Technologies on Inequality,” and it focuses on meeting the particular demands of Ghana’s vulnerable populations. In order to be eligible for the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in Digital Communication Leadership (DCLead), Richard Mawutor Dzikunu wrote it. Completed on July 30, 2021, the thesis was turned in to the Department of Communication Studies, with Professors Van Audenhove and Josef Trappel serving as primary and secondary supervisors, respectively.

Based on the facts in the thesis and our current understanding of the topic, we have examined the thesis “Digital Inclusion: Examining the Impacts of Digital Health Technologies on Inequality.” It is crucial to remember that this assessment is open to interpretation and might not cover every facet of the argument. Based on their individual skills and interpretations of the text, different readers or experts may have different viewpoints or insights. As such, this assessment ought to be seen as one of several possible readings of the piece.

The evaluation of the thesis is based on the following provided criteria: Level of design, Degree of innovation, Independence, Outline and structure, Degree of communication, Scope of the work, Orthography and accuracy and the Literature.


An extensive review of the literature is included in the thesis, reflecting a deep engagement with existing research. This extensive literature foundation indicates a solid academic grounding and understanding of the field. Cf. P8-35

Level of Design

Even though we might request a better layout and formatting, we agree that the thesis is well-structured and professionally designed, as indicated by its clear segmentation into different chapters and sections, each addressing specific aspects of the research topic. Cf.P7

Scope of the Work

The thesis covers a broad scope, examining various facets of digital health technologies and their implications on social inequalities in Ghana. This comprehensive approach demonstrates the depth and breadth of the research conducted. Cf. P5-7


The author’s independence is evident in the formulation of the research questions, the selection of the theoretical framework, and the detailed methodology. The work reflects a significant degree of independent research and critical thinking.

Outline and Structure

The thesis has a coherent outline and structure, systematically covering literature review, theoretical framework, methodology, results, and conclusions. This structure facilitates a logical flow and comprehensive understanding of the research. Cf. P2-3

Degree of Communication

The thesis successfully communicates its findings and analyses and make meaningful recommandations (cf. P45-66). It makes the complicated subject approachable and intelligible for the reader by using simple language and an organized structure.

Orthography and Accuracy

While specific details on orthography and accuracy are not directly observed from the provided research word, the overall presentation and structure suggest careful attention to detail and a commitment to academic standards.

Degree of Innovation

The thesis addresses a novel and significant issue – the impact of digital health technologies on inequality in Ghana. From our perspective, this topic is highly relevant and innovative, especially in the context of digital inclusion and the specific needs of vulnerable groups.