Blog #7 – The New Advertising (Book)

For Ursula Lagger’s Class we needed to rent a book from another university and I rented this book: The new advertising branding, content, and consumer relationships in the date-driven social media era, volume 1 traditional adverting transformed.

And it surprisingly fits prefect to my topic. So, I probably have a better look at this book once I will start writing my master thesis.

The preface already grabbed my attention:
What is new about advertising today? New advertisement is consumer-centric. (Jones et al., 2016, sec. preface) social media made a platform where consumers can be their own publishers. The interactive feature meant that consumers could “talk back”. Today’s advertising consists of brands providing content that consumers want and often seek, be it in the form of entertainment, information, service, or rewards. And it is personal because data that is provided online by consumers can be used to send more relevant messages to individuals. Consumers behavior can be used to predict potential future behavior.

So, this book is split in two volumes:

  • Volume 1 traditional advertising transformed
  • Volume 2 New Media, New Uses, New Metrics

And these points of volume 1 could be useful for my research:
2. Consumer Information Overload: Shift to Consumer-Centric Advertising Model
3. Building relationships with Empowered Consumers
5. Customer Relationship Management Strategy: More Important Now Than Ever Before
8. Electronic Word-to-mouth and User-Generated Content: Past, Present and Future
9. Native Advertising: Engagement, Deception and Implications for Theory
10. Streaming Video: Anytime, Anywhere
13. Branding: Changing the “how” and “where” in reaching Today’s Consumers
14. Content Strategy in a Paid/ Owned/ Earned Media World