Blog #4 – What is a good research paper, article, or book?

In the proseminar for our thesis we were asked to find several recourses to begin our master thesis and here are some find I did:

First I found this paper: Cinematic study of TikTok mobile app.

But I quickly found out that’s its not the right article for me. This article shows that up to date data is harder to find. This article is from 2019 and is already outdated a TikTok changed already a lot since that so the article is not very relatable any more.
They talk about that all the videos have a different playback speed than other video apps and that video’s only take 15 sec. Which is not the case anymore there are still videos of 15 seconds but there are also videos of 30 and 60 seconds and even videos of 3 up to 10 min.

Even though the article is outdated there is still some information that is still in use. Users still imitate videos of others to jump on the trends. It’s important to look for these trends and try to flip it so it will work with your kind of content and your brand (Autumn Klein,2019)

I have the feeling this paper is more explaining what TikTok is in a basic way than actually going deeper into specific information that you would want to find if you are searching for Paper with TikTok as platform.

For my next blogs I want to find a list of good resources about TikTok, Instagram or more on social media campaigns. Or maybe take inspiration directly from the source, but than its always the question if its a good and reliable one.

Kurzrock, Ethan. (2019). Intensified Play: Cinematic study of TikTok mobile app.