Deciding a on a topic between two opposites

For my first talk with Mr. Fabry we mainly talked about the topic of designing a digital tool as an aid before and during therapy agains depression. This is clearly an interaction design project and could be very interesting. Still, I have a passion project of designing more instrumental and lovable outerwear for winter. This is a project I know I want to execute at some point, but to me it does not scream interaction design. We still took the time to talk about it for five minutes, but that was not enough to decide what to do research on for a whole semester and if it would make sense in our field. Therefore I present both here as a way to process what I would prefer to do this semester.

Topic option 1 – Designing a digital tool for assistance before and during therapy against depression

Depression is one of the leading health struggles in the world. Even though there are good ways to effectively treat this condition for many cases, people with depression often find them self in a vacuum waiting for treatment. How can we make this waiting time more manageable and less likely to create worse mental struggles? Can a digital tool help a depressed person start their treatment before they receive traditional therapy? What does the tool need to consist of to be effective and manageable for someone who is already struggling to be productive in their everyday life? These are the questions I want to answer in this project.

Many people who experience depression also experience extreme waiting times before they are able to get the help that they need. There is clearly a gap between the demand and the supply of traditional therapy. For example, WHO has created a Mental Health Gap Action Programme (mhGAP) to aid countries to increase services for people with mental […] disorders from non-specialist in mental health. I want to research if we can also help and train loved ones to better help their family member, partner or friend who struggle with depression before they get professional help.

There are many recognized methods depressed people can use as part of their journey to a healthier mind. To get started with these methods is often one of the first thing a therapist will help the patient with to make their life more manageable to deal with quite quickly. If a digital tool was successful in teaching people with depression about these methods this would have a dual positiv effect: the waiting time before therapy would be less destructive and more manageable, and the patient would already have startet their treatment when they arrive at their first therapy session. This could result in a more effective start of therapy, thereby shorter treatments and less waiting time for the next patient.

In this research there will be multiple answers that need answering:

  1. Does this type of tool already exist and why is it not more successful?
  2. What methods could/should or should not be used by a patient without professional supervision?
  3. How should a digital tool present these methods to make them accessible and manageable for a depressed person to deal with?
  4. How do other digital tools used for observation/follow-ups of other groups by professionals and non-professionals work? For example in relationships between athlete-trainer, patient-doctor or parent-teacher.
  5. Can this type of digital tool also be used during therapy or will it interfere with the therapist?

It is estimated by WHO that 5% of adults suffer from depression at any point globally. In some countries the number is even higher. Between 6% and 12% of the population is depressed at any point. There every sixth person is expected to experience depression in their lifetime. The tool would therefore be very impactful if it creates just a slight net positive.

Topic 2 – Designing outerwear for a more pleasurable experience in winter commuting

As the winter creeps upon us, so does the conversations about how horrible it is with all the layers and all the clothing we need to put on. Going to, being on and walking from a bus can leave you sweaty yet cold. If you have a car, would you be more likely to drive in the winter because of this uncomfortableness? Do you buy a new clothes every year in hopes of finding slightly less uncomfortable outerwear? I want to research how our winter clothing affects us and our decisions to find out whether or not I should put effort in making a perfect outerwear clothing line or if this would just be yet another empty promise in the name of the environment and wellness.

There are indications that uncomfortable clothing can lead to temporary increased stress and blood pressure (American Heart Association) and clothing we associate with smart people can lead us to solve difficult tasks better (Social Psychological and Personality Science). Personally I have both experienced and heard about others experiences of clumpy, ugly, wrongly tempered clothing when the colder weather comes. I can’t help but wonder how this makes ut feel and if our outerwear could help us make better decisions for ourselves and the environment.

In this research it will be relevant to explore:

  1. What do we already know about psychology and clothing/fashion? Does our clothing affect or mood or behavior?
  2. How do people experience their own outerwear? Are there some similarities between the clothing items that are experienced as successful/comfortable or the ones that are not?
  3. What characteristics is needed for someone to buy an item vs. to keep them and repair/perceive/love them for a long time?

Interaction design for a sustainable future

This publication aims solely to find an answer to the question of how can interaction design contribute to #sustainability, in an attempt to show on one hand some of the hidden faces of new technologies and on the other hand our share of responsibility as actors and users of digital tools and services in the drought and disasters we are currently experiencing, but also to promote some design approach that can ensure sustainability in the use of new technologies. We believe that design plays an important role in the development of products and services we use every day. “Design is a complex endeavor, covering many disciplines. Engineers create bridges and dams, as well as electronic circuits and new materials.” wrote Donald Norman in his book The Design of Everyday Things.

So, what is Interaction Design and how could it help in designing sustainable solutions? Interaction Design“is the design of interactive products and services” in which the focus of the designer extends beyond the item under development to include how users will interact with it. Thus, a close examination of users’ needs, limitations, and contexts, among other things, enables designers to tailor the output to meet specific demands. It is also useful when creating physical products, as it explores how a user might interact with them.

For instance, everyone who uses the internet and new technologies should be aware that they are two-edged swords. Climate change is more than just a scourge caused by deforestation, the use of chemical fertilizers, and the use of fossil fuels. Let me assure you that the #digital industry is not an immaterial industry. New technologies have a direct negative impact on the #environment, even if we don’t see it. According to studies, #digitalization emits far more CO2 and consumes far more fossil energy than we realize. A smartphone, for example, consumes 80 times more energy than a car (see illustration below). Recently, youths in Switzerland have expressed concern about data centers’ use of electricity, particularly during the energy crisis, and have begun to inquire about the measures the government will propose to reduce the digital footprint of the data consumed.

The objective of interaction design is to develop products that help users achieve their goals as effectively as feasible. It is a set of “techniques and tools that enable designers to address actual issues, which has a variety of advantages. If we want to effectively gain benefit from various advantages that Interaction design principles offer, we have to encourage decision-making at each stage of the design process that will lessen adverse effects on the environment and the health of the inhabitants without sacrificing the bottom line should be made possible by combining a sustainability concept with a “design philosophy”. It is a comprehensive, integrated strategy that promotes “negotiation and trade-offs”.

Humans can now communicate more easily as a result of technological advancements. But what are we willing to give up for those advantages? The sustainable design aims to reduce negative environmental and health impacts. Technology has streamlined our lives and improved our comprehension of the world. The key focus is that we are building not just for ourselves or for our immediate needs, but also for the future. This suggests once more that interaction design’s main goal ought to be sustainability. However, the term “sustainability” nowadays is quite ambiguous. To align with our topic, we will emphasize that designing for sustainability also entails designers, specifically interaction designers, taking an approach in product development processes that will provide better user experiences while not compromising on social, environmental, and ecological issues. Furthermore, Eli Blevis, professor of Informatics in Human-centered Computer Interaction Design at the Luddy School of informatics, computing, and engineering at Indiana University, Bloomington wrote a paper entitled Sustainable Interaction Design: Invention & Disposal, Renewal & Reuse where he went further in describing the concepts of sustainable Interaction design.  Blevis provided us with a clear image of what sustainability should entail by emphasizing the interplay between people and nature from a more behavioral perspective. According to him, “The focus is primarily on environmental sustainability and the link between interactive technologies and the use of resources, both from the point of view of how interactive technologies can be used to promote more sustainable behaviors and—with more emphasis here—from the point of view of how sustainability can be applied as a critical lens to the design of interactive systems, themselves”.

Interaction design may contribute to sustainability by providing interfaces that make it simple for users to conserve energy. Designing systems that provide feedback on energy usage, creating incentives for energy-saving behaviors, and making it simple for users to modify settings that affect energy consumption are all examples of this.

Another critical part of interaction design for a sustainable future is the development of longer-lasting products and services. This can include creating systems that are easily upgraded and repaired, as well as mechanisms for recycling and reuse. This not only reduces waste but also helps to conserve resources.

In addition to encouraging ecological sustainability, interaction design can also help to promote social sustainability. This includes creating technologies that are accessible and inclusive to everyone, regardless of ability, age, or background. As well as considering the impact on underprivileged communities and striving to develop technologies that aid and empower them.

Overall, interaction design has a significant impact on the development of technology and society. Interaction designers can contribute to a more sustainable future for all by addressing the ecological and social consequences of their designs.
