Blog #6 – Meeting Daniel Bauer

I think the meeting with Daniel Bauer was very useful. I got a lot of new insights and a lot of new questions where I could find answers for while writing my master thesis.

I explained Daniel what I want to do for my thesis and discussed my exposé the most important feedback I received was that now I have the chance to get a bit of distance of what I’m already doing. I could do something very extraordinary if I want to.

These were the following questions that we came up with:

  • How does a campaign communicate? How is it different from traditional marketing communication?
  • Why is a social media campaign valuable for brands?
  • What is the difference between a €100 budget or a €10.000 budget
  • Would it be better for a company to invest into one movie or a whole campaign?
  • What is a campaign? What does it include?
  • Why does content matter?

The way to continue my research:

Try to get already answers how does social media campaigns communicate. Figure out what kind of content is important. And when I do research on best practice add some criteria what makes a campaign good or bad.
some examples of criteria:

  • Where was it shown
  • Did the target group grown
  • Which communications

Then when I finally will do all the research, I also have to plan the actual campaign and produce it to check if my findings were correct.

Overall, Daniel was very interested in this topic because also at ShotShotShot they struggle to find answers to these questions. So, he would be interested to read the thesis when it is finished

Video is already there since ages and also social media but still there is not a clear answer why is it working and why is it valuable. Or at least a lot of companies don’t see the value of it. And they will just ask someone at the marketing team to just do the social media of the company on the side. And I want to proof it is valuable and it’s not a just a side job.

Blog #4 – What is a good research paper, article, or book?

In the proseminar for our thesis we were asked to find several recourses to begin our master thesis and here are some find I did:

First I found this paper: Cinematic study of TikTok mobile app.

But I quickly found out that’s its not the right article for me. This article shows that up to date data is harder to find. This article is from 2019 and is already outdated a TikTok changed already a lot since that so the article is not very relatable any more.
They talk about that all the videos have a different playback speed than other video apps and that video’s only take 15 sec. Which is not the case anymore there are still videos of 15 seconds but there are also videos of 30 and 60 seconds and even videos of 3 up to 10 min.

Even though the article is outdated there is still some information that is still in use. Users still imitate videos of others to jump on the trends. It’s important to look for these trends and try to flip it so it will work with your kind of content and your brand (Autumn Klein,2019)

I have the feeling this paper is more explaining what TikTok is in a basic way than actually going deeper into specific information that you would want to find if you are searching for Paper with TikTok as platform.

For my next blogs I want to find a list of good resources about TikTok, Instagram or more on social media campaigns. Or maybe take inspiration directly from the source, but than its always the question if its a good and reliable one.

Kurzrock, Ethan. (2019). Intensified Play: Cinematic study of TikTok mobile app.

Blog #1 – Topics thesis question

Last semester I ended my design and research with the topic ‘’short form video’’ And with this topic I created thesis questions. Which could help me finding a clearer view of what I want to do in the 4th semester. Which are:

  • Exploring the storytelling potential of short form video content on social media platforms.
  • The impact of editing techniques in creating engaging narratives in short form videos.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of different video formats (e.g., vertical, square, horizontal) for short form video platforms.
  • The aesthetics of composition and framing in short form videos: Techniques for capturing attention.

For the design and research course this semester I would like to dive deeper in these questions and see how much potential they have and how I can make them worthy as a thesis topic.

To make it already clearer by forehand what short form video is and other terms in these questions. I made a glossary for terms that I think will be very handy to know.


Short form video:

Short form video is to a type of video content that typically has a shorter duration compared to traditional long-form videos. These videos are often created for social media. Short form videos are made to capture viewers’ attention quickly and deliver content in engaging way, they usually are between a few seconds to a few minutes.

Social Media Storytelling:
Social media storytelling uses content on social media, such as posts, pictures, videos or interactive content, to tell a story about your company, product or brand.

Short-term storytelling:
Story telling which lasts for one piece of content.

Long-term storytelling:
Story telling which takes place over multiple pieces of content and over a period of time.

User participation interaction:
The engagement and involvement of users in the content or experience. It provides the chance for users to actively participate, contribute, or interact with the content or the overall experience.

Content Trends:
Content trends refer to the popular and prevailing themes, topics, formats, or styles that are prominent in a particular period.