Image Processing

In this blogpost we are looking into a second feature of ZigSim which uses a video-over-IP protocol called NDI™ to transmit video and audio captured by the device. The data can be received with any NDI client apps – in our case we use vvvv and OpenFrameworks to get familiar with the corresponding workflows.


The goal is to setup a connection between our sender (iPad Pro) and receiver (Laptop) to have a second possibility for tracking physical objects via a local network.

First, we need to install the NDI® Tools which can be found here:

They contain several applications (like Test Patterns and Screen Capture) to create NDI Sources on the computer.

For our first test we run the Studio Monitor app and select the broadcast from the ZigSim iOS app.

Note: After some debugging, I found out that ZigSim does not always connect successfully with the computer – without raising an error. So if your device does not show up, just force close the ZigSim app and open it again.

1. Example: Setup for vvvv

For displaying video content within vvvv we need an addon called VL.IO.NDI which can be downloaded under the following link:

Be aware that this addon needs the latest vvvv preview build (5.0) to work properly!

2. Example: Setup for OpenFrameworks

For testing the connection in OpenFrameworks we use the ofNDI addon which can be downloaded under the following link:

After opening the project with the OpenFrameworks project generator we need to build the app in Visual Studio. While running, the app searches for available sources and lets us display the video output within the app.

With the help of various image detection, tracking or machine learning tools like TenserFlow or OpenCV this video source can be processed within vvvv or OpenFrameworks.

The following prebuild vvvv example shows how the Yolo3 algorithm successfully recognizes objects within a picture. The amount and accuracy depends on the data set which could also be custom made to suite the use case of a given exhibit.

Current State and Outlook

Mind Map Update

I expanded the mind map by adding the topic “Tangible User Interfaces” which I already discussed in my previous post. Now the mind map consists of 84 sources and is categorized in 6 main topics. In the next semester I will continue with this format by adding new relevant sources as I see great value in it.

Here you can see the topic named “Tangible User Interfaces”, which has been added to the mind map recently:

Final Presentation

As this is the last blog post for this semester, I would like to take the opportunity and share the slides I made for my final presentation. By doing so, this not only gives a great overview of all the topics I did research on but also underlines my current vision and goals for the next semester.

The presentation will be presented in a very restricted format called “Pecha Kucha” and consists of 10 slides á 20 seconds. Despite being very challenging, this format forces me to condense my research topic even further.

So without further ado, here you can take a look at my final presentation:


For the next Semester, I want to explore different media technologies to discover the
“sweet spot” between the digital and analog medium. Therefore I am looking forward to all the upcoming lectures giving me new insights into programs and concepts.