Changing my Master’s thesis – Storytelling with mixed media in music videos with the underlying theme of attention “Triggers”

The reason for changing my thesis was the lack of interest for the first topic. As I have thought more about it I have realised that it is not something I want to do mainly further in life. Music, mixed media and video editing are more of a path that I want to follow, therefore in the absence of my blog posts I have developed a new thesis which is more tailored towards my future interests.

A helpful bit of information would also be that I produce the music myself with a colleague from Cologne, Germany. Therefore all the rights for the song shouldn’t be an issue for later publishing.

The Vision

The core idea is to delve into the realm of mixed media and hybrid storytelling within the context of music videos. The primary focus revolves around dissecting how elements such as color, texture, and various experimental techniques can influence mood, capture attention, evoke emotions, and enhance memorability.

Attention “Triggers” – a Modern Social Media Phenomenon

In the era of fleeting attention spans, I aim to explore the phenomenon of attention triggers in videos, specifically tailored to the modern generation. The plan is to investigate the frequency of triggers, occurring every 2-3 seconds, and how they captivate the audience.

Framing the Narrative: “Wallpaper” Moments

An intriguing concept is to view the music video as a series of potential “wallpapers.” Each frame, when paused, should be a visual masterpiece, encapsulating the essence of the narrative and offering viewers a moment to reflect on the artistic brilliance within. The inspiration for this choice was the animated movie “Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse”.

Further steps

From the first feedback round I have gathered some points for the further development of my project.

  • Historical Inquiry:
  • Investigate the historical evolution of mixed media, focusing on its emergence and key milestones.
  • Collage Techniques:
  • Conduct a literature review on existing works and scholarly discussions about collage techniques in mixed media.
  • Michel Gondry Analysis:
  • Analyze the works of Michel Gondry, particularly exploring the video linked here, to extract innovative approaches and narrative strategies.
  • Best Practices Examination:
  • Analyze best practices at the intersection of music videos and mixed media storytelling, seeking patterns and innovative approaches.
  • Psychological Triggers Exploration:
  • Explore psychological triggers in video content, particularly in the psychology section of the library, to understand cognitive and emotional dimensions influencing audience engagement.
  1. Utilize Springer Link:
  • Access scholarly resources on Springer Link to gather theoretical foundations, empirical studies, and insights related to mixed media and music video storytelling.
  • FH-bibliothek Online Exploration:
  • Leverage online resources from fh-bibliothek, accessing scholarly databases and digital archives to broaden source materials for the research.
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