Common Visual Impairments and possible Solutions for UI

Visual Impairments

  • Nearisghtedness (myopia):
  • Blurred distance vision
  • Good near vision
  • Elongation of the eyeball

    Farsightedness (Hyperopia):
  • Difficulty with near vision
  • Better television viewing
  • Short eyeball

  • Distorted or blurred vision
  • Crooked cornea
  • Blurred vision at all distances

  • Difficulty with near vision
  • Reduced near accommodation
  • Age-related loss of elasticity of the crystalline lens

    Glaucoma (glaucoma):
  • Damage to the optic nerve
  • Increased intraocular pressure
  • Gradual loss of vision

    Macular degeneration:
  • Loss of central vision
  • Impaired reading and recognition of details
  • Degenerative changes in the macula

    Diabetic retinopathy:
  • Damage to the blood vessels of the retina
  • Blurred vision
  • Progressive vision loss

    Color blindness (including red-green blindness):
  • Impaired color vision
  • Difficulty distinguishing specific colors
  • Genetic predisposition

  • Uncontrollable eye movements
  • Impaired vision tracking
  • Blurred vision

    Digital Vision Stress Syndrome (CVS):
  • Eye strain from prolonged viewing of screens
  • Dry eyes
  • Headaches and eye fatigue

    Tunnel vision (restriction of peripheral vision):
  • Narrowed field of vision
  • Lack of peripheral situational awareness
  • Focus on the central area

possible Solutions

  • Nearsightedness (myopia):
  • Adjustable font size
  • Magnifiable UI elements
  • Clear contrast between text and background

    Farsightedness (Hyperopia):
  • Clearly legible font
  • Customizable zoom options for UI elements
  • Good distinguishability of near and far information

  • Sharp and clear icons and text
  • Balanced color contrasts
  • Consistent alignment of UI elements

  • Larger fonts
  • Good readability in different lighting conditions
  • Option to adjust focus settings

    Glaucoma (glaucoma):
  • Highlighting of important information
  • Clear and conspicuous warning icons
  • Adjustable brightness settings

    Macular Degeneration:
  • Option to magnify text and icons
  • Alternative displays for detailed information
    Easy navigation and orientation aids

    Diabetic retinopathy:
  • High contrast color palettes
  • Option to customize UI colors
  • Clear icons for important information

    Color blindness (including red-green blindness):
  • Color modes for color blindness
  • Alternatives to color coding of information
  • Use of shapes and patterns to distinguish

  • Stable and clear UI elements
  • Reduced motion and animation
  • highlighting important information

    Digital Vision Stress Syndrome (CVS):
  • Option to adjust brightness and contrasts
  • Option to reduce blue light emissions
  • Regular reminders to take breaks and do eye exercises

    Tunnel vision (limitation of peripheral vision):
  • Focus on key information and warnings
  • Easy accessibility of maps or radar displays
  • Clear and distinct highlighting of targets or enemies,disorders%20include%20amblyopia%20and%20strabismus.

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