Evaluation Master thesis “The Application of Digital Technologies in Supply Chain Management”

Level of Design

Since this thesis was done by a non-designer, I did not initially expect a high emphasis on design and the overall appearance of the work, in fact, that’s how it turned out. The work is skimpy on illustrations and graphics, which I consider a disadvantage, as this is a great way to visualize, regardless of the topic and direction of study.

Degree of Innovation

The paper looks at innovative best practices in the industry, their application, importance and potential development, so I could say that the whole thesis as a entire work is about innovativeness.


I can define the research process as completely independent because different methods were applied, which is what makes the work objective and independent.

Outline and structure

The thesis is well structured, and consists of the following chapters: “Introduction”, “Digitalization in supply channels”, “Digital technologies”, “The use of digital technologies in different industries”, “Discussion”, “Conclusion”.

Degree of communication

In general, the language of the work is very specific, and it is not always clear to the average person who is not familiar with marketing and supply chains what they are talking about. However, since this paper is intended for specialists, this is probably not a big problem.

Scope of the work

I believe the scope of work is sufficient to cover the topic comprehensively and fully. In 100 pages of the thesis, I did not notice anything superfluous, as well as did not see any lack of information.

Orthography and accuracy

I did not notice any spelling problems in the paper, no typos were identified either.


The list of references is quite impressive (98 titles) and is competently compiled.

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