Evaluation of masters thesis: “Young people and news apps: how attractive is the existing offering for 14 to 18-year-olds?” by Katharina Sunk MA (2014)

To summarize the work of Katharina Sunk i’d like to give you a short overview of her thesis: The text explores the significance of young adults as future decision-makers and their lack of interest in political awareness despite the lowered voting age. With smartphones being an integral part of daily life and information easily accessible, the question arises regarding the attractiveness of news apps in the Austrian media market for adolescents (14-18). The work emphasizes the role of mass media and the growing importance of smartphones for knowledge dissemination. In the empirical phase, six adolescents tested news apps from “Heute” and “Die Presse.” The results indicate that appealing news apps for adolescents need to provide both information and entertainment. Quick navigation to relevant information is crucial, a requirement not adequately met by Austrian news apps. Therefore, the available selection is considered unattractive for adolescents (14-18).

I would like to judge said work according to several criteria:

Level of design:

The thesis exhibits a well-structured design with clear sections, including an introduction, background, research questions, theoretical framework, empirical study, and conclusions.

Degree of innovation:

The thesis introduces an innovative perspective by exploring the intersection of youth engagement, news consumption through apps, and the role of smartphones. The focus on the attractiveness of news apps for adolescents is a unique angle.


The thesis demonstrates a degree of independence, especially in the formulation of research questions and the exploration of the relationship between youth, media, and news consumption. Also the empirical approach shows a big load of independence when it comes to implementation.

Outline and structure:

The thesis follows a logical and cohesive structure, progressing from the background to the research questions, theoretical framework, empirical study, and conclusions. This structure aids in understanding the research flow.

Degree of communication:

The thesis effectively communicates all central issues, research questions, and findings. It uses clear language to convey complex ideas, making it accessible to a broad audience.

Scope of the work:

The thesis has a specific scope, focusing on the attractiveness of news apps for youths aged 14 to 18 in Austria. It appropriately delimits the study to this demographic, providing a targeted analysis.

Orthography and accuracy:

The thesis appears well-written, with proper orthography and accuracy. There are no apparent issues with spelling or grammatical errors but a good style of citation.


The thesis references studies and literature to support its arguments, demonstrating a research-oriented approach. It incorporates theoretical concepts and compares existing studies to contextualize the research problem. Sunk mentioned a broad spectrum of online and offline-sources. 

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