Goals for this Semester

At first, my aim was to make a list of common UI elements that are typically seen in the HUDs of popular gaming genres. The idea was to gather various ways these elements can be displayed. By using practical examples from well-known games, I wanted to show different visual options and figure out which ones work well and which ones don’t. During my research, I realized that the definition of good or bad design is subjective and influenced by personal taste and preferences. For some people, larger elements are important as they enable better readability, while others prefer smaller UI elements because they believe larger ones can be distracting and divert attention from the game itself.

A solution that provides everyone with the opportunity to have a perfect HUD is to make it customizable according to individual preferences People with visual impairments would especially benefit from this.

For my prototype, I will develop a customizable HUD for a racing game. I will present common UI components in various variations. The user will be able to choose their preferred option and adjust the size and color contrast on their own. Then, I will demonstrate different ways the HUD can be displayed, which will look different based on the users’ specific needs. For example, the HUD of a user with red-green color blindness will be different from that of someone with tunnel vision.

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