Humans, we’re so many similar qualities between us; nevertheless, each and one of use has a unique skillset and set of neurological patterns which differentiate us from each other. As addressed on the last post, the term neurodiversity refers to diverse array of brains and minds which impacts the way we learn and process information. 

Some of the most common difficulties neurodivergent brains face include difficulty retaining information if it’s presented only in an auditory form, as well as a difficulty of processing written information quickly, and concentration while having multisensory inputs at the same time.  It is important to consider certain aspects while designing to reduce the risk of stress and overwhelming people, affecting their work, and learning performance. 

Simple tools we can implement are:

  • Avoiding big blocks of texts. It’s easier to grasp important information when you can get a quick snapshot of key concepts. 
  • Create learning content with visual and auditory aids. Having two inputs of information might reinforce memorizing information, just be careful you don’t add too many inputs or that they might become a distraction instead of an aid. 
  • Give clear and concise instructions. A huge part of designing for neurodiversity is making sure your user understands the instructions properly. This means, creating some extra space in your process in case the user needs to skip some steps without causing them to get stuck. 

Remember that great minds think unalike. This also means they learn and gather information differently, in fact most of us learn in multiple ways at different times, depending on our environment and the type of task we need to complete. 

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