Impulse #4 – Article “Revolutionizing Education with AI: Exploring the Transformative Potential of ChatGPT”

Below you can read an analysis of the article I read according to the SQ3R method.


I found the structure of the article simple and clear. It is divided into several parts, namely: Introduction, AI and AI in Education. The titles of the main parts and sub-chapters are conveniently highlighted in colors, so it doesn’t take much effort to do a brief overview.


  1. How exactly can chatbots be used in education?
  2. How can they be implemented into the learning process in schools as part of UX design?
  3. The ethical side of the issue.
  4. How might the introduction of AI affect classical educational methods?


The article briefly reviews the history of the emergence of AI as well as its development, which is undoubtedly important for a general understanding of the issue. Separate subchapters are devoted to chat bots in general and Chat-GPT in particular.  Then there is a chapter devoted to a specific topic, namely AI in learning. Both pros and cons of the approach are discussed in detail, and the ethical side of the issue is also not left without attention, and a separate subchapter is devoted to it. Of course, at the end there is a brief conclusion that summarizes the results.

I would say that the article did not disappoint me at all, I got my questions answered and was satisfied with what I read. A few new insights have definitely emerged in my mind and I hope to be able to use the new to me information in writing my Master thesis.


  • Chatbots can be used to personalize the learning process for each student as much as possible, not to mention that, unlike a teacher, a chatbot is always ready to answer any question at any time of the day or night.
  • The chatbot should behave as much like a real person as possible, the interface should not be very different from a normal chat with a teacher, so for the student such an introduction will be smooth.
  • There are some concerns that the article provides:
    • reliability and accuracy of the information it presents
    • potential biases in the data, resulting in discriminatory or misleading responses
    • privacy issues since it may collect and store personal information about students
    • questions about the role of teachers and the impact on the job market for educators
    • lack of human interaction, reducing the quality of the educational experience for students
    • over-reliance and dependency on technology
    • concerns about the rights of intellectual property
    • transparency and accountability as it might be difficult to identify how decisions are being made by the chatbot
  • The article says chatbots can make learning a lot easier for teachers and administrators, but they can never replace a real person.


Revisiting the article and my analysis above I can confidently say that I found the article very helpful. It expands my knowledge in AI and provides certain insights that will be useful to me when writing my paper. At first glance, it may seem that the topic is not that relevant to the topic of my Master thesis, however, the use of chatbots, specifically Chat GPT in training, is a great example of smart use of high technology and from the UX point of view it is also exciting to consider. What implementation methods are already in place, what can be improved, how to deal with ethical issues – all of this is relevant to any field where new technologies such as AI are or will be used.

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