Research Planning Matrix


My theses aimes to research where UI pattern come from and if they are still the best solution. E.g. Desktop methapor as officetable.

Analysing current design pattern on their usefuleness.


I will search in literature for the history of certain patterns. I will analyse the pattern and maybe show alternatives but i will most likely not create new patterns, as planed originally. I will put more effort in analysing and also testing the old pattern with users.

  • Literature research on history of pattern and kultural background of certain UI pattern/interaction pattern
  • Classify UI Pattern (like Mobile, Web, HMI)
  • Identify pattern that are no longer approbriate or pattern that could use a makeover
  • Context Analysis: Analyse what´s not good about this pattern
  • Make some user interview/testing what people think about this (maybe love/hate letters from other UX Designers and normal users.
  • Offer suggestions for a better solution (maybe)


  • Find information on that topic
  • Interview people how they experience a pattern
  • Analysing


  • Get an inside where changing a pattern might be useful.
  • Knowledge about where and when a pattern is outdated and should be renewed


  • Criteria catalog for validating a pattern
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