Stage free for the new “”

For my prototype, I gave the website a new look. Not only that, I focused on being more modern, friendly and inclusive when presenting the election information. This should give the website a more positive impression, especially on young people, and invite them to actively participate in shaping Austria’s democracy. Have fun watching the video! 🙂

Below you’ll find the transcript of the video if the audio is not working well on your audio device.

Here is the new prototype for the website I have tried to make the website more modern, user-friendly, and inclusive. It was important to me that the site appeals to both young and old voters, but I have currently focused on a young audience.

The entry to the site is much friendlier right from the start, designed with a positive header image. Here on the right, you will find icons for the most popular social media platforms – Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter.

Next, there is a reminder for the upcoming election and the option to go straight to the voting booth.

Below that, two or more voters talk about why they go to vote. Here, I can also envision a collaboration with influencers.

Democracy is explained here, and its history is briefly told with a timeline.

Different forms of participation are presented here to show that it doesn’t always have to be about major national elections to actively participate. If you click on one of the buttons, you can learn more.

Here is the hover-over map of Austria, where you can find out who holds positions in the respective government.

Below that, the most well-known parties in the country are introduced. By clicking on the “Learn more” field, you can find out more about their positions and values. Afterward, the parties that are less known or primarily regional are shown.

Finally, there is a slider that introduces the different governments and councils in Austria. For example, the National Council with its 182 seats and a displayed distribution of party seats. 

Now off to the voting booth…

First, we read a small disclaimer to find out what actually is, or rather, what it is not. Then we can get started.

Here is the first question out of twenty general questions in total. It is important that the questions are formulated in a way that they are understandable and relate to people’s real lives. If you want to learn more about a question, you can click on the small info button – a window will pop up where you can either read a short information text or watch a brief 20-second video explanation.

After answering the 20 questions, you will be presented with your own voting tendency, and hopefully, you’ll be more interested in politics.

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