The Mobile Audience as a Digital Musical Persona in Telematic Performance.

Interaction Design task: Literature research

In their paper “The Mobile Audience as a Digital Musical Persona in Telematic Performance,” Anna Xambó and Visda Goudarzi explore the role of mobile devices in telematic performances. The authors stated that mobile devices can serve as a tool for audience members to actively participate in the performance, rather than simply being observers. They propose the concept of the “digital musical persona” to describe the ways in which audience members can use their mobile devices to engage with the performance and contribute to the overall musical experience. This idea came during the pandemic, when people didn’t have the opportunity to visit concerts and people started to experiment with using live streaming services.

The authors provide several examples of telematic performances in which mobile devices were used in different ways to facilitate audience participation. They used gamification methods for that, such as using smartphones as musical instruments or using mobile apps to create interactive visual displays.

In their research, Xambó and Goudarzi did two case studies to investigate the use of mobile devices in audience participation during live music performances. The first case study involved an experimental music concert in which audience members were invited to use a mobile app to participate in the performance by generating live visualizations of their movements. The researchers found that the use of mobile devices allowed for a more immersive and interactive experience for the audience, and also provided valuable data for the performers to use in future performances. The second case study involved a more traditional music concert, but with the addition of a mobile app that allowed audience members to vote on the songs they wanted to hear next. The researchers found that this use of mobile technology not only increased audience engagement, but also provided valuable feedback for the performers on which songs were most popular.

Overall, Xambó and Goudarzi’s research offers valuable insights into the potential of mobile devices to transform the role of the audience in telematic performances. Their concept of the digital musical persona provides a useful framework for understanding how mobile devices can be used to enhance the musical experience for both performers and audience members.


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