The need of light

Light is something that connects us, we all witness light independently of where we are, we but our experiences with it differs depending on the time, the season or the location. Thinking about how something like light that we take for granted can change our moods, perspectives and thoughts.

From growing our food, to sleeping or working, light plays such an important role in how we as beings develop in a society, but every community in the world has their own habits and conducts that might be related to the amount & type of light there is in their context, whereas that’s physical or artificial.

You don’t have to be the same in order to share a space. How light changes the experience of every expectant, playing with space and structure you can make the expectant see a certain image even if that is not real in the physical world but real for out minds to see.

In this new chapter of research, I want to find out more about light, color and its implications in the human behavior, and how we can create a new experience in a space just with basic necessity, the need for light.


Rikard Küller , Seifeddin Ballal , Thorbjörn Laike , Byron Mikellides & Graciela Tonello (2006) The impact of light and colour on psychological mood: a cross-cultural study of indoor work environments, Ergonomics, 49:14, 1496-1507, DOI: 10.1080/00140130600858142

Zeldes, J. (Director). (2019). Abstract the Art of Design (Olafur Eliasson, Art Design) [Streaming Platform]. Netflix.

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