The Problem & The Question

As the thesis semester is just around the corner, the questions and problem statements I will be investigating are as follows:

How important is connection with one’s community? What is the value of face-to-face connection, as opposed to online? How do we make finding these life-enriching activities equitable and accessible?

How might we make it easy to build a full and fulfilling life through life-enriching activities?

How might we empower and enable people to discover meaningful ways to spend their free time?

To answer these questions, I began by asking myself what free time meant to me. I explored this through the process of making a collage, in which my goal was to convey how I feel about my free time and about what makes life meaningful to me. Through this process, I realized that I would like to carry an emphasis on visual representation of emotion and experience throughout my project, whether it be my own or that of workshop participants. I would also like to run an art-based workshop in which participants create their own collages based on this topic, to kick off the research phase.

In Land and Sea and Sky and Air
by Annette Wynne

On land and sea and sky and air
Beautiful things are everywhere,
In people such as you and me—
If we would only look and see.

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