An all-encompassing corporate identity guideline

– by Elena Waschl

1. Diskussionsrunde auf Basis der Design Research Themen
2. Fifteen Seconds

1. Diskussion


A. Describe your current project in 5 sentences:

Designers need to understand and create the identity of a company. By a professional and high quality Corporate Identity the value of the company rises. The overall CI must work at all touchpoints. But this is exactly where it fails. The CI must be sustainably manageable and work in long term without having to contact the designer at the same time.

PROBLEM: What we are lacking in practice is a general guideline for the efficient implementation, management and long-term maintenance of the corporate identity.


1. What would an all – encompassing Corporate Identity Guideline look like?
2. What Design Content does it cover?
3. In which design Range can the guideline be used?

B. 1Q. from a colleague & write down answer

When does the first contact with the client and you as a guideline designer take place…? 
> I really want that the client talks with the guideline designer at the very first beginning

 Where did you get information for this topic?
> In the library of FH JOANNEUM I borrowed some books

C. What did you learned from the note?

I collected some key words from the discussion which I can keep on working with e.g. Gerüst / Manual 

By talking with Jana and describing my project I came up with following aspects which were not clear to me before that they could pay a key role:
So einfach wie möglich, so komplex wie nötig!
Was sind die Parameter die ich definieren muss?
Wie deppensicher gestaltet man diese guidline dass alle Gewerke damit arbeiten können.

2. Fifteen Seconds Day 1
Diese Tage findet von 15.6. – 16.6.2023 das Fifteenseconds Festival in Graz statt.
Über den ersten Tag möchte ich einige KEY Notizen teilen, welche sich rund um´s Storytelling, Female Leadership und so weiter drehen. Diese Ansichten der Speaker können genauso in die Guideline fließen.

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