Blog #6 – Meeting Daniel Bauer

I think the meeting with Daniel Bauer was very useful. I got a lot of new insights and a lot of new questions where I could find answers for while writing my master thesis.

I explained Daniel what I want to do for my thesis and discussed my exposé the most important feedback I received was that now I have the chance to get a bit of distance of what I’m already doing. I could do something very extraordinary if I want to.

These were the following questions that we came up with:

  • How does a campaign communicate? How is it different from traditional marketing communication?
  • Why is a social media campaign valuable for brands?
  • What is the difference between a €100 budget or a €10.000 budget
  • Would it be better for a company to invest into one movie or a whole campaign?
  • What is a campaign? What does it include?
  • Why does content matter?

The way to continue my research:

Try to get already answers how does social media campaigns communicate. Figure out what kind of content is important. And when I do research on best practice add some criteria what makes a campaign good or bad.
some examples of criteria:

  • Where was it shown
  • Did the target group grown
  • Which communications

Then when I finally will do all the research, I also have to plan the actual campaign and produce it to check if my findings were correct.

Overall, Daniel was very interested in this topic because also at ShotShotShot they struggle to find answers to these questions. So, he would be interested to read the thesis when it is finished

Video is already there since ages and also social media but still there is not a clear answer why is it working and why is it valuable. Or at least a lot of companies don’t see the value of it. And they will just ask someone at the marketing team to just do the social media of the company on the side. And I want to proof it is valuable and it’s not a just a side job.

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