Des Res – Intellectual Standards

1. Current project idea:

The current project focuses on the exploration of video production in a vertical format. The problem is the growing demand for vertical videos due to the increasing usage of smartphones and social media platforms, which often display content in portrait orientation. The research question seeks to understand the best practices and techniques for creating engaging and visually engaging videos specifically designed for vertical viewing. The project aims to investigate the impact of vertical videos on viewer engagement, user experience, and content consumption patterns. By addressing this research question, the project aims to provide insights and recommendations for video creators to optimize their video production strategies for the vertical format.

3. Questions of different categories:


Q: Could you give me an example?
A: The current project focuses on evaluating the impact of including motion graphics in vertical videos for educational content delivery on digital platforms.


Q: How could you verify or test that?
A: I could verify the impact of motion graphics in educational vertical videos through experiments, surveys, or comparative analysis.


Q: Could you give me more details?
A: I could gather feedback from learners who experienced educational vertical videos with motion graphics. Evaluate their engagement, understanding, and overall learning experience through surveys or interviews.


Q: How does that relate to the problem?
A: The methods verify if the created motion graphic improve engagement and comprehension in online educational vertical videos.


Q: What factors make this a difficult problem?
A: User experience, content adaptation, visual design, pedagogical considerations, and technical limitations, making it a challenging problem.


Q: Do you need to consider another point of view?
A: To consider another point of view I could look at the learner’s perspective.


Q: Does all this make sense together?
A: Yes, all the points mentioned make sense together but it is really important to look at multiple perspectives and do a lot of research. 


Q: Is this the central idea to focus on?
A: Yes, the central idea to focus on.


Q: Do you have any vested interest in this issue?
A: Since I have an education as a teacher I have expierience and interest in finding another way to combine my current education with my former in creating  educational videos.

4. Potential for improvement:

Since I did not know exactly what project I could use it totaly helped me to find one. Educational vertical videos are a “new” and creative way to use videos as  educational programm but is also a complex challenge. Limited screen space, attention spans, user experience, and adaptability are key considerations. To succeed, I should consider diverse perspectives, specific content, and technology for useful outcomes.

The Importance of Nature for Children

In her TED talk, Nilda Cosco shares how nature can teach children some great lessons. She believes that letting kids explore the natural world can have a positive impact on their growth and development.

She highlights a few important lessons that children can learn from nature. One is the idea of interdependence—how everything in nature is connected and relies on each other to survive. Kids can learn about their place in the world and the importance of teamwork.
Cosco also talks about how being in nature engages all of our senses. Children can touch, smell, listen, and observe the natural world, which helps them understand and appreciate it more.
She brings up resilience too, comparing the adaptability of plants and animals in nature to the resilience that children can develop. Nature teaches them to problem-solve and keep going even when faced with challenges.
Another point she makes is the value of free play in nature. Kids can use their imagination and creativity in unstructured play outdoors, which boosts their cognitive skills, problem-solving abilities, and social interactions.
Cosco wraps up by urging everyone to create more opportunities for children to connect with nature. She believes that schools, parents, and communities should prioritize nature-based experiences and create environments that inspire curiosity, wonder, and respect for the natural world.

Overall, it was an interesting talk that emphasizes how nature can teach children some life lessons. By giving kids the chance to explore and interact with the natural world, their sense of teamwork, sensory awareness, resilience, and creativity can be nurtured. It’s about fostering a generation of kids who truly care about and want to protect the environment which is something i want to keep in mind while working on this project.


Aktuelle Lage zum Thema Gendern

Die Entscheidung von Niederösterreich, das Gendern zu verbieten, hat bei vielen Menschen Unverständnis und Kritik hervorgerufen. Gegner argumentieren, dass geschlechtergerechte Sprache unnötig sei und die deutsche Sprache verkompliziere.

Auch das anti-gendern-Volksbegehren hat die 100.000 Unterschriften-Hürde geknackt und muss nun tatsächlich im Parlament diskutiert werden.

Diese aktuelle Situation ist für mich der ausschlaggebende Grund, mich intensiver mit dem Thema auseinanderzusetzen und meine Arbeit diesem Thema zu witmen. Es ist mir wichtig, dass wir uns in einer offenen Gesellschaft mit solchen Fragen auseinandersetzen und den Dialog suchen. Das Gendern ist ein Teil des größeren Diskurses über Geschlechtergerechtigkeit und Chancengleichheit. Es geht dabei darum, sprachliche Ausdrucksweisen zu finden, die nicht nur Frauen und Männer gleichermaßen einschließen und sichtbar machen, sondern auch Personen, die sich nicht mit den traditionellen Geschlechterrollen identifizieren, nicht ausgegrenzt oder unsichtbar gemacht werden.

Nun bin ich am Überlegen, ob ich meine Arbeit vom reinen Fokus auf die Typografische Umsetzung des Gendern, nicht auf den sozialen Aspekt shiften soll. Vorstellen könnt ich mir beispielsweise meine erarbeitete typografische Vorgehensweise dann in einer Aufklärungskampagne darzustellen.

Rückblick – Augmented Reality (SS23)

Im vergangenen Semester habe ich mich intensiv mit dem Thema Augmented Reality (AR) in der Kunstwelt beschäftigt und verschiedene Aspekte erforscht. Ich war fasziniert vom Potenzial von AR, das Erlebnis der Kunstbetrachtung zu verbessern und eine neue Ebene der Interaktivität zu schaffen.

Einerseits befasste ich mich mit der Frage, wie man Menschen dazu bringen kann, AR für die Kunst zu nutzen. Obwohl AR großes Potenzial hat, zögern viele Menschen noch, es zu verwenden. Daher untersuchte ich verschiedene Strategien, wie man Menschen zur Nutzung von AR ermutigen kann, zum Beispiel durch Anreize oder Vereinfachung des Prozesses.

Weiters beschäftigte ich mich mit den Vor- und Nachteilen der Verwendung von AR für Plakate. AR-Plakate können zwar fesselnd sein, erfordern jedoch ein Smartphone oder Tablet, was nicht jeder besitzt. Ich diskutierte die Vor- und Nachteile von AR-Plakaten und wie Künstler einige der potenziellen Nachteile überwinden können.

Ein weiterer interessanter Bereich war die Verwendung von AR in Kinderbüchern. Kinderbücher sind bereits interaktiv, aber AR könnte sie auf eine neue Ebene bringen. Ich untersuchte Beispiele für AR in Kinderbüchern und diskutierte die potenziellen Vorteile und Herausforderungen dieser Technologie in diesem Kontext.

Am Ende des Semesters hatte ich die Möglichkeit, selbst mit AR-Tools zu experimentieren. Ich erstellte mein eigenes AR-verbessertes Kunstwerk und dokumentierte den Prozess in einem Blogbeitrag. Dadurch konnte ich meine Forschung in die Praxis umsetzen und die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen dieser aufregenden Technologie aus erster Hand erfahren.

Insgesamt war das Semester eine spannende Erfahrung, in der ich viele neue Ideen und Perspektiven zum Einsatz von AR in der Kunst entdeckt habe. Die Möglichkeiten, das Erlebnis der Kunstbetrachtung zu erweitern und die Interaktion mit Kunstwerken zu intensivieren, sind beeindruckend. Ich freue mich darauf, meine Forschung in diesem Bereich fortzusetzen und weitere Erkenntnisse zu gewinnen.

Brand personality & experiment part 3

Since I was aware that people wouldn’t express themselves that much after giving them a chart-survey about how logosare perceived, I decided to ask another group of people directly about their opinion. So I sent the same 10 logos I made in the last blog post to people who didn’t take part in the last survey. I asked them to describe what they think about the brand personality of the logo or target group. With every answer we can again see all of the 10 logos.

Here are the answers:

1. Adolescents (Levis), children or families, fashion brand for teenagers

2. Upper class, classy and modern, more for fashion enthusiasts, a brand that wants to sell stuff that looks expensive and classy but is not

3. Teenage girls (Stradivarius), rather for children or colourful fashion for adults like Desigual

4. Mature population, real luxury, expensive, something classy, doing dresses or suits

5. Children, babies and children, brand for kids or babies, for clothes and teddy bears, good quality

6. Wedding, formal dresses, female fashion, but it’s pretty oldschool and doesn’t look that high quality, for wedding dresses, but not super high quality ones

7. Sporty, menswear or more basic, sailing type clothes, quite expensive, a bit like Petit bateau

8. Something more special, boho, secon-hand, “funky” fashion or accessories, a bit trashy, brand for jewellery but with poor quality, a bit like Claire’s, but for older people like 20-30.

9. Younger generation, girls, for children or the whole family, rather cute

10. Neutral (Tom Tailor), multi-generational, could be women’s or men’s, very modern and contemporary, but not too expensive, for teenage/young adult men, fast fashion


The most significant factor that changed my perspective after the first survey is for sure the quality. People were more likely to express themselves in the second experiment. I believe that good quality is a very important factor, because this can have a huge impact if people will buy the brand or even go inside the store. What is also helpful are the examples that the respondents gave me. I think it Is interesting to see to which brand they compare a logo that might be similar or isn’t at all.

Analyzing Instagram’s Design Features and Toxicity: Identifying Addressable Processes and Assessing the Potential Impact of Changes

During the past week, I have been more focused on the scientific background of my work. To accomplish this, I have developed an abstract summarizing my research, documented the methods I have already employed and plan to use, and formulated additional detailed research questions. This process involves assessing the current state of my topic and how I approach it. The objective is to aid in further planning by clarifying my intentions and desired outcomes, while also enhancing the overall scientific thoroughness of the work.

This research project focuses on examining the design features of the Instagram platform that contribute to toxicity and negative influences from various perspectives. By studying these features and their influence on user behavior, the aim is to identify processes on Instagram that can be addressed to mitigate toxicity and determine the potential impact of implementing such changes. 

Two potential directions for intervention are proposed: a media-critical approach targeting specific features of Instagram, and a media pedagogical approach involving the creation of a restricted youth version of the platform. By employing a mixed-methods research approach, including qualitative analysis and quantitative data, this study seeks to shed light on the design aspects of Instagram and their implications, providing insights for users and informing strategies for positive change.


1. Literature Review: Conducting a comprehensive review of existing research, academic studies, industry reports, and relevant sources to gain an understanding of the design features of Instagram that contribute to toxicity and negative influences.

2. Qualitative Analysis: Employing qualitative data collection methods, such as interviews, focus groups, and content analysis, to explore user experiences, perceptions, and attitudes regarding Instagram’s design features and their impact on behavior.

3. Quantitative Analysis: Utilizing quantitative approaches to analyze available data, including engagement metrics, user surveys, and social media analytics, to assess the effects of Instagram’s design features on user behavior and platform dynamics.

Research Questions:

1. What are the design features of Instagram that contribute to toxicity and negative influences, particularly in relation to user behavior and engagement?

2. How can the identified processes on Instagram be effectively addressed to mitigate toxicity and promote healthier online interactions?

3. What are the essential features and design considerations for developing a youth version of Instagram that promotes a safe and positive online environment while addressing the specific needs and concerns of young users?

4. Which specific features of Instagram could be targeted through a media-critical approach to effectively reduce toxicity and negative influences, and how might the implementation of such features improve the overall user experience and foster a healthier online environment?

5. To what extent do changes in Instagram’s processes, implemented through a media-critical or media pedagogical approach, contribute to creating a healthier and less toxic environment by influencing user behavior, improving engagement metrics, and shaping overall platform dynamics?

I also researched for some literature that could help me in the future:

Goodyear, Victoria A., and Kathleen M. Armour. Young People, Social Media and Health. Taylor & Francis, 2019.

Chatzatoglou, Anna. Social Media and Its Potential Effects on Mental Health. 2020.

Pabi, Anna. Gesundheitliche Belastungen durch intensiven Social Media-Konsum. 2020.

Neuwirth, Selina. Einfluss von Social-Media-Influencerinnen und Social-Media-Influencer auf die Schönheitsideale von Mädchen in der Pubertät. 2021.

Stradner, Michelle. Auswirkungen sozialer Medien auf die Selbstwahrnehmung von Jugendlichen im Hinblick auf die psychische Gesundheit. 2020.

Maier, Verena Sophie. „Wer lässt sich schon gern von einer Software erpressen?” : ein Film über die psychosozialen Auswirkungen der Social Media Nutzung von Jugendlichen. 2018.

Hartwig, Gerald. Dekonstruierte Selbstbilder : Selbstinszenierung und ihre Gegennarrative auf Instagram. 2020.

Kaia the Kākā:

gamification set in a local park

“Kaia the Kākā” is an interactive adventure set in Central Park where participants can help a virtual Kākā parrot named Kaia and her chicks. The goal is to ensure their safety by overcoming challenges and obstacles in the park. Participants need a phone with internet access and the Facebook Messenger app installed in order to play the game. It can only be played in Wellington, New Zealand since everything is located there. Starting at the main gates of Central Park, participants follow a race against time, visiting various points in the park to aid Kaia and her young. During the adventure, participants search for clues, uncover hidden artworks, and interact with Kaia through the chatbot on Facebook Messenger. They can send Kaia photos of artworks, signs, and clues and answer challenges presented by the chatbot. It’s important for an adult to accompany the kids and manage their interactions through Facebook Messenger. All messages with the chatbot are private and it is recommended to have no more than two users per device to avoid any conflicts. The adventure is free of cost, and participants are advised to bring snacks and water to stay energized throughout the experience.

I personally think it would be good to make it web based so that having a facebook account isn’t necessary. Other than that, I believe Kaia the Kākā to be a great approach to the gamification of nature for children.


Fazit dieses Semesters

Auch in diesem Semester war ich wieder verblüfft, wie mächtig Werbung tatsächlich ist. Klar, an sich weiß man es, wenn man in der Branche tätig ist, aber gerade durch die Recherchen und Experimente wurde es wieder ein Stückchen nähergebracht. Sie hat das Potenzial, unsere Wahrnehmung zu formen, unsere Entscheidungen zu lenken und unsere Emotionen zu beeinflussen. Die bereits vorgestellten Experimente verdeutlichen, wie gezielte Techniken und Strategien in der Werbung eingesetzt werden können, um die Reaktionen und das Verhalten der Zielgruppe zu beeinflussen.

Die verschiedenen Experimente haben gezeigt, dass Werbung nicht nur überzeugende Texte und schöne Bilder verwendet, sondern auch subtile Methoden einsetzt, um uns zu manipulieren. Das Experiment zum Einsatz von positiven und negativen Texten verdeutlicht, wie unsere Emotionen und Vorlieben durch den sprachlichen Inhalt einer Anzeige gezielt gesteuert werden können. Positive Texte können uns motivieren, uns mit einem Produkt zu identifizieren und es zu kaufen, während negative Texte möglicherweise unsere Ängste oder Bedenken ansprechen und so zu einer anderen Reaktion führen können.

Das Experiment zur Rhetorik in der Werbung zeigt, wie geschickte sprachliche Techniken eingesetzt werden, um unsere Aufmerksamkeit zu erregen und uns zu überzeugen. Durch die Verwendung von Slogans, Wiederholungen und emotionalen Appellen kann Werbung eine starke Wirkung auf unser Denken und Handeln haben. Die gewählten Beispiele haben verdeutlicht, wie bestimmte rhetorische Mittel, wie beispielsweise die Verwendung von Superlativen oder das Ansprechen von sozialen Bedürfnissen, unsere Reaktionen und Entscheidungen beeinflussen können.

Das Experiment zur Effektivität von Call-to-Action-Phrasen hat gezeigt, dass die gezielte Aufforderung zum Handeln einen erheblichen Einfluss auf unsere Reaktionen haben kann. Indem wir klare und überzeugende Handlungsanweisungen geben, können Werbetreibende unsere Aufmerksamkeit lenken und uns dazu bringen, bestimmte Schritte zu unternehmen, sei es der Kauf eines Produkts, die Anmeldung zu einem Service oder das Teilen einer Werbebotschaft.

Diese Experimente verdeutlichen, dass Werbung eine starke manipulative Kraft besitzt. Sie nutzt verschiedene Techniken, um unsere Emotionen, Überzeugungen und Verhaltensweisen zu beeinflussen. Es ist wichtig, sich dieser Tatsache bewusst zu sein und kritisch zu hinterfragen, welche Botschaften und Motive uns in der Werbung begegnen.

Indem wir uns der Beeinflussungspotenziale in der Werbung bewusstwerden, können wir unsere eigene Entscheidungsfreiheit wahren und bewusste Kaufentscheidungen treffen. Darüber hinaus sollten Werbetreibende ihre Verantwortung erkennen und ethische Grundsätze in der Gestaltung und Verbreitung von Werbung beachten.

Es liegt an uns, diese Manipulationsmöglichkeiten zu erkennen und eine bewusste Entscheidung darüber zu treffen, welchen Einflüssen wir uns aussetzen möchten. Aber auch wie wir sie als Gestalter*innen sinnvoll einsetzen.

Designing new ways of being

Queer emerges as an escape route for all those who do not want to define their identity based on the male-female binomial and all that it implies. They are fluid, plural or ever-changing ways of being, which sounds much healthier and more real than living conditioned by your gender, but also much more uncomfortable (and even dangerous) on a social level. Non-binary or trans people find themselves in a totally unfavourable situation, both in the legislative framework and in their daily interactions.

Their treatment is often full of (pre)judgement, violence and lack of protection. For example, in 2021 alone, 573 hate crimes related to the gender identity or sexual orientation of the victims were registered only in Spain. The problem is that this figure is only a reflection of the cruelty and rejection that have permeated our societies for centuries and that so many people still persist in exercising.

Although governmental plans are now beginning to be developed with the aim of protecting trans or queer people, there is still a great deal of ignorance among the population. And we know what the unknown provokes: usually fear. It is a fact that those who question the binary are a danger to the structure with which we have been organising ourselves for years. And they do not only threaten the system, but also our individual identities, which is part of the origin of the rejection: the most comfortable thing for the majority is to continue as they are, without questioning the limits or whether there are other ways of being or living.

However, with all this information in hand, we must be brave and dare to review our own privileges and preconceptions. Above all, we must stop believing that those who do not integrate are because they do not want to. Ending stereotyping, discrimination, exclusion, limitations and invisibilisation depends on questioning the construction of our identities and managing public education from an intersectional, inclusive and, yes, feminist perspective.

Survey: Preparation & Flow

As part of my Design and Research topic, my goal is to comprehend how interfaces can be modified to different cultural contexts in order to improve user experiences. So, for my next step I decided to do a survey with people on this subject. 

I decided to use a questionnaire as a data gathering tool to learn more about the opinions and experiences people had, who moved to Austria from other countries. I wanted to gather information about their cultural adaptability through interfaces. By doing the survey, I wanted to get a wide range of responses from people with different cultural backgrounds. 

I created a questionnaire to get information on the person’s experience with interfaces in Austria, their experience with bureaucracy, moving, etc and their opinion on how it is done now. I decided to do a first survey with one person to get both: receive information and also to see if some adjustments were needed. And after the first person, I realized that some questions needed to have more information or needed to be rephrased to make it easier for a person to understand and give a proper answer. After that I also added one more question to learn what flow people would have if they wanted to find something/ sign up for something, what kind of information they would need and what features would make the process easier.